Goodbye Great British Democratic Party

Day 2,018, 08:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

You may or may not know, the Great British Democratic Party is dead.

The Great British Democratic Party started off as monarchy party from Lord Ryan of Britannia(Grand Emperor Ryan). After a few arguments, it was PTO’ed by jny123 and Novarefuge, when it became a democratic party. The party gave new players a chance to get involved in politics. Will Corbett, Sekula Vasiljevic, Bob Bloggs and several other players were given serious roles in the party within their first 2 months in the game. They were not just handed these roles, they were educated within the game. Even players that did not hold roles in the party were taught about politics in the game. In my opinion, the Great British Democratic Party was better than any other party I had experienced at helping new players without giving them freebies.

At our peak, GBDP rose above 30 members and to 8th in the political rankings. We also had a few Congressmen and members with roles in government. We rose at the same time as other parties like WRP and GoUK, but if we rose a few months before we could have been a stronger party. Shortly after our peak, IA, Freemasons and a few other parties were formed. This made it harder for us the compete in politics.

We had a lot of fun in the party. We watched Bob Bloggs try to become CP when he didn’t fully understand what he was doing. Bob is now also the reigning champion at the GBDP quiz. We had regular meetings and debates, but when they were not being held players from the party would chat about in-game and real life topics. I have made friends in this party and will be keeping in touch with many players that have joined GBDP at some point.

A few weeks ago, activity in the party started to decline. The member count had also dropped from 27 to 15 in less than a month. With members playing the game less, we decided that the party had died. All core members were still in the party at this time. After this, I advised that all players who still wanted to get involved in politics should leave the party, which saw our member count drop to 7. This showed that most members of GBDP were active in-game but not getting involved in our party anymore. Only a few members remain now, but GBDP is politically dead.

I know that our members will continue to play, and some will continue to get involved in politics. I know our members will do well. I expect Will Corbett to become MoFA one day if he continues to follow that path. Sekula and Hale Sharpe will also be in government in the future if they stay active. I wish everyone a good future, and if you want to talk just send me a message.

Regarding myself, I will not be staying involved in eUK politics. I have had a fair share of experience trying to get involved in politics and have enjoyed my time. Even though many of the players I see in government have been there a while, there are some newer players in ministries now. I hope the politicians in the eUK continue to give new players a chance, just like GBDP did. I will be staying in the eUK, and might move back to journalism. However, there are certain countries I am hoping the admins add to eRepublik during their next analysis(in Autumn). If they are added, I will be leaving the eUK.

Thanks to every Great British Democratic Party member for the experiences you have given me,
I wish you well in the future,
Last Party President of the active Great British Democratic Party.