Good News Bad News

Day 1,749, 11:27 Published in South Africa USA by Vanessa1309

So today, we have all our regions back eSA 🙂
The war is over and we came out hardened from battle with many medals to show for it.
We had a little excitement around here 🙂

Now that that has passed, I have an announcement to make to you, the people of eSA. I have good news and bad news, most people prefer the bad first, so I will start with that.

On the day of the Free State battle, we were at a disadvantage as two of our national organizations had been hacked the previous day. The hacker got in, removed a huge some in gold and ZAR and went out again. I logged a ticket with admin the day I was advised and subsequently some of the funds have been returned. There is however still a large sum missing and we will be chasing it.

Al has just about finished a system on the forums under Civic Center where country finances are recorded. Everything in every department will be available for viewing at any time. In time we will also link in the national orgs so that if something should go wrong again, we will know exactly how much, where and when. There is much more to come from this side, stay tuned.

As for our next CP elections, it looks like it's going to be fun 🙂
I have chosen a new VP for the next term and will be retaining Al as MoF. The new VP will be Mulderpf. A man that I know will always give me an honest opinion and choices to take, someone who I doubt many among us can claim to not know. He is the first person that I go to for advice and his is always good, even if I don't always agree with it. He is a two time CP and was responsible for the original MU payouts among other improvements including our Security. I am very grateful that he agreed to stand by me for the next term.

So eSA, I ask that you stand by me
and vote for
Vee 🙂