Good Morning Mississippi (Voting Record 3/1)

Day 467, 07:37 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

Good morning Mississippi! I’ll keep this short and sweet, here’s my voting record since the elections, and a few random thoughts about the recent happenings in eRepublik.

Tax Change: Oil – I voted no on this proposal, because it raises income taxes. Unfortunately it’s part of the PANEC measures, so you’ll see a lot of these proposals. More on that in a bit.

War With Mexcio – I voted yes on this. Simply put, war gives us a nice economic boost, gives our citizens experience and wellness, making them more productive as a result. This was the foremost thought in my mind when casting my vote for this. As for the whole “Poland taking over Mexico” scenario, I believe it happened, but it wasn’t my foremost concern when voting here. I’d rather we weren’t engaging in imperialistic wars, but seeing as we plan to give the territories back once the Mexican people control their own Congress; it gives me a little peace of mind.

Donate to Fort Knox – I voted yes, otherwise we couldn’t have funded the Mexican War.

Tax Change: Weapons – I voted no on this as well. I felt it was slightly underhanded increasing taxes on weapons and on income tax right before a war. Unfortunately, it’s another PANEC proposal, and myself and others who are against raising taxes are outnumbered here.

Tax Change: Moving Tickets – Another PANEC proposal, another “no” vote from me. Every single one of these proposals raises income taxes, costing you more money. I feel it is in the best interest of my constituents to keep income taxes low, leaving more money in your pocket. If you feel otherwise, please let me know Mississippi, and I will adjust my voting habits accordingly. I was elected to reflect your views as a whole, and I want to keep us on the same page.

That’s it for my voting. I’ll leave you with a few random concerns and thoughts. First and foremost
I’m going to shamelessly plug the Department of Education’s Citizen Mentorship Program. The program pairs “mentors” who answer questions and act as a guide, with new eUSA citizens. We need about 5-6 more mentors before we can launch it, and we can’t do it without your help! If you are interested in learning more, or signing up, you can find info and applications here:,1061.0.html

Finally, another shameless bump, this time for The Federalist Party. We are a close knit group of free thinkers that believe in a sound fiscal policy for the eUSA. You can learn more about us from Voltare’s article:

As always, feel free to pm me if you have any questions about how I voted, what’s going on in Congress, the DoE, the Federalist Party, or anything else that’s on your mind. Thanks for your time, make sure and subscribe to stay current on any news concerning Mississippi and how I’ve voted.