Good, good, good, good migrations!

Day 982, 10:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ePocalypse

After hundreds, if not thousands of tickets sent to the admins, it appears that there will now be an opportunity to alter military and economic skill migrations. I expect this will be a one time only opportunity and if you miss it, tough!

Keep an eye on the eRepublik insider newspaper for further info hopefully coming soon. Estimates are that it will be a few weeks yet before we are able to do this. Also keep your eye on the media in general and the forums for further advice on how to migrate your skills to suit our nations situation and needs.

I for one feel that this is an important move. In my case, I had done everything correctly and in good time but my skills were migrated incorrectly anyway. Citizens, countries and armies were previously expected to adapt to the new system and plan these migrations in advance without knowledge of formulas and how the systems would work in practice. Now we do have these figures, along with a little bit of experience with eRepublik Rising to enable us to make informed decisions on a personal and national level about how we should migrate our skills.

I heard tanks are pretty kickass!

If managed correctly, this could lead to much better skill distribution and a less distorted job market. Hopefully it will also improve players opinions of the admins. On this occasion it appears that they are responding to their customers concerns. There will always be critics and many of them have good reasons but we must remember that this game must make money sooner or later or it will cease to exist. So if you feel like buying gold, then do it. If you don’t, quit whining about the game being gold hungry; you get to play a game for free and even now, with a bit of time and dedication you can be very successful indeed without spending any real life money at all.

eRepublik has changed considerably and only now am I beginning to get the feeling that the new version is starting to become more stable. Many bugs have been ironed out and formulas tweeked to try to make this a successful version and it’s clear that this version has to be a success and that going back to V1 is not an option. In many ways I miss the old game but in other ways, eRepublik Rising is better and I’m sure that as things continue to progress and we become more accustomed to it, more people will be won over by it.

So let’s start looking forward, making use of what we have and push to make our nation a greater one. Invite your friends, spread the word!

Whatever you do, if you get the option to migrate your skills, don’t miss it!">">">">">">">">

Dan Moir