Good Afternoon Norway !!!

Day 896, 07:27 Published in Norway Norway by grabarzstg

Good Afternoon Norway !!!

My name is Mark and i want to be Norwegian citizen. 🙂

I'm leave Poland because creative and polite people have no chance to be noticed. 🙁

In Norway my organization started new buissnes and it giving Norwegian babies well paid work.

My accountant. 😉

In Norway I want start a new "silent" live.
I think that I'm good soldier and I want to help defend Norway in the future and secure against enemy PTO. In Erepublik I play since a 700 eWorld day.

If you have any questions to me - please PM me also catch me on #enorge channel.

I'm hope that You accept my request...

Grabarzstg 😃

Some music....
Click here
Please don't shoot to me. xD