Gold Gold Gold!

Day 2,568, 06:16 Published in Belgium Belgium by Kanselier

Dear readers, especially newcomers to the game!

First off all you might be wondering why we write english articles?
Well in real life belgium has 3 main languages: french, dutch and german... since english is the most widespread language in the world we mainly choose to write in english.
However dont make this stop you to write in french, german or dutch since we as an ecountry gladly support those languages....


Now up to the main point off this article, Gold!
A big part off this game is goldbased, its a free game but gold is a sort off way for the developers to make you to be able to buy stuff from them and support the game however there are many options to get gold for free and many options to use your gold...

Today i'll be covering how to spend your well earned (or bought gold).

1) STOPSTOPSTOP!: don't waste your gold on unimportant things (at least when you start out)

2) If you have real life budget and you plan on spending money into the game then do it as soon as possible and then back out of spending real life money

3) Suppose you want to invest real life money then try to sell a warstash to another player (cost 9,9 euro):

there are several ways to do this:
A ) Sending a feed message so other players see it
B ) Itrade:
- Click
-- Get a nickname (register) join #ebrussels - say hi - confirm your password - recognize it - type /join #itrade in the #ebrussels channel and try selling your warstash there!
* Depending market price a warstash sells for 15-20k CC (which you can convert to gold using the monetary market (10gold buyable a day))
* Black market trading is attractive to scammers, to counter this there is a channel used by the #itrade traders to complete deals called #middleman, the full information regarding the #middleman channel can be acquired from the #itrade irc channel
* Sell a warstash when this is active:

That way you get 50% extra gold straight to your account 😃

4) If you bought a warstash and invested money or you earned it, it doesn't matter the spending pattern should be the same:

A) From time to time admin launches the following promo:

When this occurs start investing your gold in your training grounds:

New players start with the Q1 Weights Room as their initial Training Grounds. Training here gives five strength daily at no cost and should be used every day. Upgrading the Weights Room should be the early focus of your gold spending with the long-term goal of upgrading it to the full four stars. Avoid spending gold on any of the higher level training grounds as the strength gained is not worth the gold spent.

This our the prices to upgrade your training grounds whit the discount on

A1) Upgrade your q1 training ground to lvl4
A2) Upgrade your q2 training ground to lvl4
A3) Upgrade your q3 training ground to lvl4
A4) Upgrade your q4 training ground to lvl4

B ) Training contracts + training schedule

And when you click on it, you are redirect to special item page and you can see these 2 items available.

So, for 25G, your training cost 50% less during 30 days and for 53G, it is 90% less : Does it a good thing ? Yes but not for everybody, Let’s see when you need to sign a contract and when it is not a good choice.

Like everybody, you have 4 Training grounds,
- The first one has no cost and it can give you between 5 and 20 strength per use
- The second one costs 0.19G and it can give you between 2.5 and 10 strength per use
- The third one costs 0.89G and it can give you between 5 and 20 strength per use
- The last one costs 1.79G per use and it can give you between 10 and 40 strength per use

Depending the quality of your training grounds, it means that you can gain between 5 (using only the free one at quality 1) and 90 (by using all at quality 4) per day. On the last case, it will cost you 2.87G per day (without Training contract).

B1) When your busy upgrading q1 training ground to lvl 4: keep training in quality 1 whitout a training contract.
B2) When your busy upgrading q1 & q2 training ground to lvl 4: keep training in quality 1 whitout a training contract.
B3)When your busy upgrading q1 & q2 & q3 training ground to lvl 4: keep training in quality 1 whitout a training contract
B4) When your busy upgrading q1 & q2 & q3 & q4 training ground to lvl 4: sign a 90% Training contract.

Detailed information about training grounds you can read here:

C) Great keep doing what your doing and use your spare gold to invest in your economy!

Now what should i invest in?
Hard to tell right, actually it isn't...
There are a number of factors important to consider when buying a new company:
- wages
- raw prices (in case you manufactor goods)
- the number of bonusses a country has.
- selling price (national/international market)
Luckely for you there is a handy tool which you can use to calculate which company you should buy to have the largest profit on your national market:
C1) Set the language to english or your native language (topright)
C2) Select your national market
C3) look at the data provided

Personal tip: invest in food/raw food mainly (since belgium has 2 bonuses for food = +40% production) and avoid the housing market (a failing economy aspect in the current version)

D) Hey i already have enough companies i don't need anymore:
Hold your horses you can stil get more return from the game, whit the same tool provided at section C you can check out which company upgrade is the best investment for you.
Now wait a minute, before upgrading there's an important note.
You should only upgrade your companies when the game launches the following discount

You guessed it! this is the perfect time to start upgrading your companies

E) I have the companies but the selling prices are to low:
Again we gonne use the eanalyzer tool:

- select the good
- select show countries whitout regions
- select lowest price
and determine what market is the best to sell your goods on:
e1) either look at your national market for your selling prices (net price)
e2) sort on import net price if you want to sell on a foreign market.
Suppose you want to sell on a foreign market you'll need to buy a market license for that country which costs 20 gold.
To do this go to your storage ==> and click buy license

Alright this sums up the first goldexperiences in the game and by far the most important! Happy reading and i hope you pick up something from it!

Yours sincerly
Kanselier CEO off FreedomPress.
H O P E congress member
2nd commander Belgian State Security
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