Godzilla = eUSA

Day 765, 08:44 Published in Japan Japan by no1kevlin

The Godzilla Party consist of a group of USA players from the FoH forum who used to play in eNorth Korea until they destroyed that nation by suicide attacking our ally eRussia in an attempt to help their friends in eUSA.

They then moved to eJapan and set about pretending to want to be part of the community here and to help eJapan grow and prosper. Many believed them, including myself.

Their recent behaviour has shown their true colours though.

After our old allies in eRussia, eSerbia, eHungary and many others helped us to defend Kyushu against the attack by the eUSA the Godzilla group or ex eNorth Koreans then stabbed them in the back and betrayed eJapan by hading Kyushu over to their friends in eUSA.

eUSA then went on the warpath in Asia and is readying for an attack on pro-eRussia eNorth Korea to try and dislodge the government there so the FoH/Godzilla group can take control again of 'their' country.

They have decieved us all and only ever settled in eJapan in order to infiltrate us and take control of our country in order to help their eUSA friends take revenge on eRussia.

Do not feel ashamed to have trusted them as they are convincing liars and fooled many of us but the time is ripe for all eJapanese patriots to take control back of our country in tomorrows Congress Elections.

Remember that a vote for a Godzilla Party candidate is a vote for eUSA control of our nation and continuing conflict with our age-old allies and friends. I personally recommend that you vote for TFC Candidates but there are others i other parties who are also patriots that you should consider before voting for any eUSA puppet running under the Godzilla Party flag.

Here are some of those patriots:

Chubu: Huang Chung ISP
Chugoku: Ryuunen ISP, EnigmatixHU ISP, Roland_up SOS
Hokkaido: exReality ISP, ALtmerVampire SOS
JeJu: Makoto Aizawa TFC, Seixo TFC
Kanto : Origineel.NL TFC, Matsumi TFC, Miyamoto Musashi ULJ, Akki SOS, Faeyas SOS
Kinki - Soulkeeper101 TFC, lanvere ISP, Kenji Fujimoto ULJ
Kyushu - Whac TFC, Flynn Trespar SOS
Shikoku - Shimiken TFC, Koppanyi Ferenc ISP, Azaelll ISP
Tohoku - Kizmet TFC, Dareru Danoshi SOS

Remember to Vote and Vote for eJapanese freedom from the eUSA PTO gang in Godzilla Party.