Godzilla: Authorized and unauthorized candidates

Day 1,008, 17:01 Published in Japan USA by Lejina

The following candidates have been authorized to run under the banner of the Godzilla Party:

Aogo (Chugoku)
Nanaya Nanbu (Chugoku)
Ryoushi (Hokkaido)
Via Siv (Kanto)
Pham Nuwen (Kanto)
Lejina (Kinki)
Imzeweiner (Shikoku)

The following have not been authorized. Do not vote for these individuals since they are rogue candidates and are obviously up to no good.

jinju nou (Chugoku)
Near12 (Kanto)
Irimi (Kinki)
fumichan (Kyushu)
Lisc (Kyushu)
FUMAKI (Kyushu)
asassumi (Tohoku)
akai bara (Tohoku)

Note that all those running under Godzilla in Kyushu and Tohoku are NOT authorized. If you are in those regions, I urge you to move to another when time comes to vote.

If you need tickets or more details on who you should vote for, send me a PM or ask me on IRC.