God Save Us All

Day 472, 13:51 Published in USA USA by SamWystan

The Fieldist Special Issue
"The Blitz Must Happen!"

Beloved Editor-in-Chief Suffers Heart Attack
SamWystan, the founder and editor-in-chief of the Fieldist suffered a heart attack some time after dinner while he was changing channels to watch his favorite show. He was rushed to the hospital immediately, and though his condition is critical, doctors are optimistic that he will make a full recovery with only minimal memory loss.

Mr. Wystan, whose current pinnacle of fame in media circles was reached yesterday with Fieldist Volume II, Issue 8; entitled "This Election Will Destroy America," has also been holding the media ransom, threatening a bombardment of the institution with higher to middling quality articles. His demands were never completely fulfilled, and many Americans eagerly awaited Mr. Wystan's heroic actions.

Currently under investigation for a murder that he didn't commit, after having had his name cleared as a suspect in another murder case, which he was accused of by rival editor of the Picayune, Jythier Smith. Mr. Wystan is a source of great controversy in the American media, often exposing shadowy workings behind the scenes in government and the public sphere, as well as trumpeting nationalist values. However, he is highly critical of those around him, making him an enigma.

Mr. Wystan is also a lieutenant in the National Guard, and has seen combat in the Azores and Mexico. He also predicted the invasion of Mexico two days before it happened in the inaugural article of the Fieldist.

Speaking to his health, doctors said that Mr. Wystan is in a very critical but stable condition. Moments of consciousness intersperse long periods where it's hard to determine if he's even alive. Doctors predict that he'll be back on his feet after a week or more of surgery if all goes as planned, but his future is uncertain. The best they can say is that Mr. Wystan will enter a "zombie-like" state, unable to do much more than fight, train, work, and maybe talk.

Wystan's Media Blitz to Go On Without Him
Acting Fieldist editor-in-chief Luke Fnord called on fellow papers to carry on Wystan's crusade against low-quality by enacting the media blitz without the ailing editor. "Mr. Wystan is in a ruined state, and his last conscious words were 'the Blitz must happen!' We know a large portion of the media are fond of this man, and if fellow editors could join us in fulfilling Mr. Wystan's Media Blitz, we would be honored. This invitation is open to all, and any assistance would be greatly appreciated. All you have to do is write an article of some type of quality and add either the words "Media Blitz" or the initials "MB" to the article title. The Blitz will be on March 10th, all day long. The Fieldist will attempt to contribute an article, but we can make no promises." Fnord seemed to lose composure for a second, but then recovered.

He continued, "We ask that you do this, not for Mr. Wystan, but for this great nation, which has lifted us. A rising tide lifts all boats, and the Blitz will be the Media's rising tide. Let us go forward together, for this great nation!"