Go eSouth Africa! What to do Now?

Day 854, 18:59 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Education

First of all, congrats to everyone who have worked hard to make this happen in time. Now, straight on to business.

We need every loyal eSouth African to support the loyal candidates in the coming congressional elections. The group of malicious infiltrators who supported RonelI and ultimately gave away our regions to the enemy will no doubt try their best to gain power again.

Citizens of eSA, please move to the Northern Cape and join one of the following two parties:

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_heFXrxNMdPk/S6lykI3X-2I/AAAAAAAAA98/NbFPcIOH8zs/SALF_55x55.jpg" align="left" title="South African Liberation Front" width="55">
South African Liberation Front

http://lh3.ggpht.com/_heFXrxNMdPk/S6lykIvhz1I/AAAAAAAAA94/_eMXnkU8-EY/SAFA_55x55.jpg" align="left" title="Freedom Alliance" width="55">
Freedom Alliance

The official candidates for congress will be announced. Please note that this list will be sanctioned by Greyhunter, true president of the loyal citizens of eSA so keep an eye on official articles. Take care to avoid orders of any unofficial candidates as these will most likely be part of the malicious group.

Keep an eye on the following newspapers for info, and subscribe if you have not yet:

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_heFXrxNMdPk/S6lzDiSO6sI/AAAAAAAAA-A/JncvYWMgQsk/eSA_The_Presidency_55x55.jpg" align="left" title="The Presidency" width="55">
The Presidency

http://lh5.ggpht.com/_heFXrxNMdPk/S6lzDzWEQYI/AAAAAAAAA-E/ikDCiHyq9UI/eSA_The_Defence_Standard_55x55.jpg" align="left" title="The Defence Standard" width="55">
The Defence Standard

http://lh6.ggpht.com/_heFXrxNMdPk/S6lzDxItAgI/AAAAAAAAA-I/HyW-ZacW3Do/eSA_The_Developer_55x55.jpg" align="left" title="The Developer" width="55">
The Developer

So lets get moving! If you can't afford a moving ticket, keep your eye on the above newspapers for further instructions!

Good luck to all loyal citizens! May your efforts be rewarded.