GMT Issue 3: Building an Excel Tool to help us with our money trade.

Day 246, 12:35 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Foreign Legion

Hello eCitizens everywhere.

Today I will start a series of articles that will demonstrate how I've built an Excel Tool that makes my currency trade EASY.

Let's take the following example:

You have 10 gold and want to invest.

STEP 1: You put the GOLD on the GOLD/IEP exchange market, at the lowest price.

STEP 2: You put the resulting IEP (after STEP 1) on IEP/GOLD exchange market, at the lowest price.

The tool will tell you how much profit you can make after the two steps.

First, open Microsoft Excel. You can also use OpenOffice, Google Docs or any other spreadsheets software.

You will add the following column name, on line 1:
Currency Currency/GOLD GOLD/Currency STEP 1 STEP 2 Profit (GOLD) Profit (😵 Initial amount (GOLD)

In A1, for example, you will write "Currency", in A2 write "Currency/GOLD", A3 "GOLD/Currency" etc .. H1 will be "Initial amount (GOLD)"

Now, for today's article, we will add the informations on the Irish Exchange market.

In A2 write IEP

In B2 write 10,49 (the value of 1 GOLD, in IEP, according to the exchange market, at 12:01 eRepublik Time)

In C2 write 0,113 (the value of 1 IEP in GOLD, same time)

In D2 write =H2*B2 (that's an Excel formula, the value of H2 multiplied by B2)

In E2 write 😃2*C2 (another Excel formula, D2 multiplied by C2)

In F2 write =E2-H2 (E2 minus H2)

In G2 write 😞F2/H2)*100 (Percent of F2 in H2)

In H2 write the amount of gold you want to invest on the Irish market.

Now, how does the tool work?

After you have the formulas in place, you will see in STEP 1 (D2) how much IEP you will have after STEP 1 of the transaction.

Also you can see in STEP 2 (E2) how much GOLD you have after a full exchange cycle (2 transactions).

In F2 you have the profit calculated, for the amount of gold you want to invest.
In G2, you have the same profit, in percents.

Basically, you can use this to find out how much GOLD you can win after a complete cycle (2 transactions).

The file is XLS but it has a DOC extension. Rename the file to erepublik-exchange-tool.xls for it to work properly.I have attached the file here:

As you can see, Ireland offers an 18% profit. Too bad it's not very active.

New articles on how I've improved this tool into the perfect semi-automated trading machine will follow.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is about a computer game, an internet multiplayer game - eRepublik. It is not related to Real Life currency trade (FORE😵.

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