GM Course - Part 1 (Considering becoming a company owner?)

Day 476, 06:54 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

As many of you know I have been reappointed Minister of Industry after my short unexpected time away. So as Derek has stated in his campaign, I have written a course for company managers which will be released in 4 parts (potential GM, setting up a company, running a company and finally expanding and improving your company). So as promised below is part 1.

GM Course - Part 1 (Considering becoming a company owner?)

As a citizen of the new world there are a number of different career paths available, if you are unsure of the available paths they can be found here (, one of these paths including becoming a general manager of a company. If a citizen was to choose to become a GM they are not restricted to where they can go and what they can do. GM's can still be part of congress and also train to become a soldier. Unlike a parliamentary position a GM can travel the world fighting in wars and merchandising goods. However to do this an organisation must be created. An organisation costs 5g to create and is similar to a citizen, however cannot eat, train or vote in elections. They give a citizen extra inventory space and also a holding place for their companies and newspaper.

The first thing that a potential GM must do is calculate the amount of gold they have and are willing to invest in a company. The lowest setup cost for a company from scratch is approximately 22g. However this cost can be offset if there is a company for sale which already holds stock, RM, exporting licences, workers and local currency. When looking at companies for sale only the first four of these assets are visible, the current gold and local currency held by the company can only be seen by the owner and should be regarded as a bonus when a company is purchased.

There are 3 categories of companies that are available, these include Raw Material, Manufacturing and Construction. All three of these categories have their strengths and weaknesses which will be covered later on. Below are approximate start up costs for each of these categories and their respective industries, including purchasing of the company, wages and RM costs;

Raw Material
Grain, wood, iron and oil: 22g

Food, gifts: 23g
Weapons, moving: 24g

Housing: 38g
Hospitals and Defence Systems: 80g

Now that you have worked out how much gold you have to invest you can work out what type of company you can start up. For example, if you have 25g you can potentially start any of the RM or Manufacturing companies. Once you have your prospective industries you can make your assessment of the most profitable and sustainable for your investment.

Prior to you making a decision you must research the markets, comparing the current supply and demand, the number of companies operating on the market, the fluctuation and trend of the market prices as well as the wage offers in the HR section. An easy way to do this is to download GM Records and put in dummy data aligned with the offers from the product, HR and RM markets. It is recommended to do this for about a week so you have a good idea of how the industry fairs and how fast your stock will turnover (sell).

Each of the industries have different uses and therefore have different peak demand times, turnover and profit margins just like real life businesses. Specifically for Australia and some similar countries the following demands and turnover expectation applies;

Raw Material: Raw material is purchased by manufacturing and construction companies and is used to complete their produces. Most are in a fairly high to high demand and have a medium to fast turnover.

Foo😛 Food is consumed by citizens every day, meaning that there will be a high constant demand so stock will turnover quickly

Gifts: Gifts are “gifted” to other citizens to increase their wellness. With Centrelink running there is a high demand for low cost gifts (high demand, fast turnover)

Weapons: Weapons are used by soldiers at war, so there is a high demand during war time, however the overall turnover is slow

Moving tickets: Moving tickets are used by citizens travelling from region to region and are mainly used by soldiers during war. (medium demand, medium turnover)

Houses: Houses are used by citizens to increase their wellness and are in high demand all the time considering the population booms. (high demand, fast turnover)

Hospitals and Defence Systems: These are used by the government and should only be made when an agreement is made.

I will leave you with that for now. On a side note being a successful general manager is not as easy as most people think, so over the next few parts I’m going to explain how a company should be setup, a suggested model to run your business on and finally ways to improve and expand your business. So if you are a perspective or current GM I would subscribe so you can keep tune.

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Any current General Managers that are not using GM Records 3.0.1, please find it here ( This tool is highly recommended to help run your company and is currently being used by over 300 GM's worldwide.
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