Glove For Kongressman of Vermont

Day 975, 20:20 Published in USA USA by Glove
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Citizens of the eUSA,
I would like to announce my candidacy for Kongressman of the great state of Vermont. I will run under the S.E.E.S banner. I want to express that I am not running simply for the medal. We are now in V2 and this is a whole new world. We don't have time to waste, we need as many active and competent Kongressman as we can get and I am intent on joining the ranks to serve to the best of my ability for the greater good of the nation. If successful, this will be my first term as Kongressman, I anticipate my first term to be filled with loads of work and a big learning curve, but I assure you,I am ready.

►Born January 7th, 2010
►Honorable Discharge from the Training Corps
►Ex member of Lefty's unnamed militia
►Former Ultra-nationalist Party President
►Dedicated citizen, (never missed a day of Erepublik since birth)
►IEA worker
►Ambassador to Bolivia
►Former cavalryman

We have arguably the best military in the world. What we lack in number we match in skill. As a former cavalryman I have seen the outstanding organizational skills our leaders have and cannot express enough the need to continue encouraging new players to join the Training Corps and helping them progress through the hierarchical system to become well-equipped, intelligent, and active soldiers. I understand many of you are upset over our high income tax system, but keep in mind a large portion of the money generated goes towards the military, which is by no means a bad deal. Also, our tax system is the best in my opinion, as there are ways to avoid them. 😁

Foreign Policy
I am very open to new allies and deals with other nations. We may not be in Eden, but we must continue working with those who have continued to support us, for instance countries like Croatia, who have never failed to show up for us in our times of need. We aren't in Eden but we are in the Brolliance, thus we must always support our bros across the world no matter what. However, we must examine our allies and understand their needs and cooperate with them to the best of our ability. Sometimes we have conflict of interests and a compromise must be achieved if we truly want and expect them to show up for us on the battlefield. The same applies to them, if they seek help they have to help us, you know, pat my back I pat your back type of thing? 😁
I support the continual renting of our regions to Poland and Ireland. The regions we gave them were high in resources, but really we don’t need them. We generate more income by renting them, which in turn helps support our growing military and domestic program costs. In addition, it greatly helps large nations like Poland, which has no high regions.

►I believe in pragmatism. There’s no point in arguing over pointless things when we could all be doing more constructive things. We must look at what is being said, not who is saying it. It doesn’t matter who you are, FEDS, USWP, UIP, ADTP, or S.E.E.S, I will work with all of you. We are all Americans, parties mean nothing.
►Dioism - Yeah I'm a Dioist, so what? 🙂 Don't let a few radicals give you the wrong impression, its a cool e-religion.
►Game Mechanics > Role Play. Sure role-playing is fun, but if we truly want to do constructive things and get ahead in the game, let go of real life ideas and utilize what the game has to offer.

This is how I feel when people role-play too much and think this is real life.

Final Word
I'm not going to lie to you, this Kongress thing might not turn out to be for me, but I will give it my best. I can't sit here and promise you radical changes or complete reform, but I can promise you this, if you vote for me in Chongqing, your voting for one more active and competent Kongressman. Message me for moving tickets. I will also provide food to make up for any lost wellness.God bless you America, always remember, We are Dio. You are Dio. I am Dio.

May the love of Dio be with you, forever.