Day 996, 21:34 Published in USA USA by Glove

Do you believe in miracles? I don't either, but this my friends, was no miracle, simply the glory Dio has bestowed upon us. The S.E.E.S SS, in conjunction with some of our bros abroad, helped turn the tide in two battles today, Northern Ireland, and North East of England.

It seemed like just another day, I woke up, tired from last night's rampage only to find myself late. My clock radio went off, and had been buzzing for about 15 minutes until I realized... I must of been listening to some hardcore music. I immediately rushed and put on my uniform, and unknowingly suited up for the glory that awaited me.

I nervously walked into the dim-lit room. "Your late, hurry up and take a seat" said Commandant Max Wallingbottom III. "I'm sorr..." "You missed Northern Ireland Glove, but no worry, we have more pig-disgustings to cleanse."
The room became illuminated with a map of North East of England. "This is what separates the men from boys, he said in his kawaii voice. We have requested help from the military but they cannot help us at this time. This is essentially what most would consider to be a suicide mission, but I have faith in all of you. We have approximately one hour to eliminate all opposition and claim the city in the name of Dio. The city is filled with pig-disgustings, every square inch of this miserable land must be cleansed. Their forces are estimated to be 100+ strong. Landing zones are hot and our numbers are already stretched thin due to our earlier campaign. We will need our air units to unleash a barrage of missile strikes from afar to clear the area for our tanks and heavy artillery." The Commandant stared at me. "Are you ready to redeem yourself, soldier?" "I am always ready, Dio is on our side, we cannot fail," I responded. And with that, the SEESlings left the mountain-side base, knowing not if they would survive to come back the next day.

Time was of the essence, S.E.E.S air units bombarded several landing zones and secured enough of the area for heavy tanks and artillery. The capital was within sight, but the pig-disgustings covered every flank. In every direction we turned, we saw their banner. "This is sure going to be fun" I thought. Despite their large numbers, the Desert Fox, carefully laid out a plan. All land units would move uniformly towards the capital, while air units provided support on the Eastern Flank. Fierce fighting occurred, but the S.E.E.S land units were able to cause a rift in the pig-disgusting columns and push within yards of the capital. Air support was once again called for, this time rallying for a massive strike on the capital. Left and right, all opposition was crushed. The blood of non-believers stained the ground. The SS was unstoppable. The walls of the palace were slowly crumbling when then..."What the hell, is that Dish?" said one of the SEESlings. Immediately the Commandant sent out a broadcast: "Listen everyone, I am now placing a bountry on Dish's head, bring me his head and you will be rewarded greatly." I don't know what possessed us, but suddenly every man, child, and woman wanted to claim Dish's head for his own. The results are self evident:


Another notable slaying

Dio must have smiled upon us today. Within minutes away from the capital, more and more allied forces began pouring out from the skies themselves. The field was a beautiful red maple leaf, with Croats, Canucks, and S.E.E.S all fighting together in harmony. The capital, which had been the heart of the pig-disgustings for the whole battle, still stood at 75 strong.

"Give them all your got, no turning back now, if you must die, remember you die for the glory that is Dio." And with that the 10+ SEESlings beserked the city. Out of a mist of smoke and blood, the outcome was at first unclear. I feared the worst. The ground was stained with blood, why yes, this is pig-disgusting blood I realized. The city had been leveled, the 75 strong force was reduced to 7. The surviving S.E.E.S immediately regrouped and fired again. The city had been liberated! The remaining enemy forces tried to capture some of our landing zones but ultimately failed. The might of Dio was simply too much for these non-believers.