Gloria in excelsis Deo

Day 1,961, 15:30 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alphabethis

Gloria in excelsis Deo

That's the title of a famous piece of music of Antonio Vivaldi, who, in some cases, nearly reaches the level of the likes of ska-p or rap authors in terms of quality and groove. 'Gloria in excelsis Deo' means 'Thank the lord', because Iain Keers the eUK fighter (for eUK) has revealed at last!

Yeah, Gaudeamus Igitur ( let's be glad), our Iain Keers has ceased to be True Patriot-Virgin and he's reached the patriot sum of 12 TP medals ( 36 gold). Argentinian effect ? New Era? Joining to New Era too ?

Time will tell !

(this is in First Steps, because eUK fighting is first steps for TUP principal: Iain Keers).