Global Recognition

Day 1,124, 21:14 Published in USA Belgium by Global Nader Institute

With the end of the year not too long away, the Global Nader Institute would like to recognize individuals around the world that we believe hold true to the goals of the GNI.

Wilhelm Gunter is the Party President of the Canadian Progressive Front. His strive for integrity in party and national politics is something the GNI believes is highly admirable. The emphasis he places on diversity within political parties shows that he wishes to pull people from otherwise polarizing positions under the same banner to better address the concerns of all citizens. We wish Wilhelm and the CPF well in the coming year. Keep up the good work mate!

cival unrest is the Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party in the eUSA. He has worked to involve younger citizens in the political process. Under his leadership, the SFP has the potential to grow and have a large base of informed voters and politicians. Good luck cival unrest!

Kyle Galli was recently elected the PP of the Democratic Party in the eUSA. The GNI has thought highly of Mr. Galli for quite a while, and feel he has, and will continue to do great things in his country and throughout the New World. His dedication to service and the well-being of his fellow countrymen and women is something special. Thanks and good luck Kyle!

And...the person of the year goes to...

Kylero is a longtime public servant from who got his start in the eUSA and now resides in eBelgium. As a former PP of the eUS Green Party, he placed a large emphasis on party growth and interaction. In eBelgium, he has done great things. As a 7x Congressman, he has advocated for fair and transparent politics. He has really been a poster child for what the GNI stands for, and we cannot thank him enough for his service to people of eBelgium and the New World!

As always, the Global Nader Institute gladly accepts any monetary donations that people feel they can give. We use these donations to spread the word about fair and transparent politics, cheap and affordable food supplies, and new ideas for making the New World a safe and just place for us all to live!