Global Currency Updates - Day 537

Day 537, 01:25 Published in Canada Ireland by Freedom & Responsibility

Day 537 at 01:05

Hello and welcome to Global Currency Update, a paper dedicated to eInvesting and wealth creation in eRepublik! These reports were previously done in the paper Freedom & Responsibility, but now they will be exclusive to GCU. I've changed the format slightly to make it a little more fun. At the beginning of every issue, you will see the photo of the currency that made the largest gain over the last 24 hours. See if you can guess what currency it is and, at the bottom of the report, you will find out if you were right!

Over the last 24 hours, the money markets have been generally flat, with the exception of JPY, which has been an up and down roller-coaster which is currently down Let's see how the currencies have done in the last 24 hours:

Strongest Currency
1 ESP = 0.039 gold

Weakest Currency
1 PKR = 0.006 gold

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eWorld's most stable currencies
1 ARS = 0.010 gold

1 AUD = 0.023 gold

1 ESP = 0.039 gold

1 USD = 0.020 gold

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Currencies to watch over next 24 hours as possible buy signs (bottoming out):
1 ATS = 0.009 gold

1 BGN = 0.009 gold

1 CLP = 0.018 gold

Czeck Republic --> BUY
1 CZK = 0.007 gold

1 INR = 0.009 gold

1 MDL = 0.011 gold

1 RUB = 0.015 gold

Serbia --> BUY
1 RSD = 0.013 gold

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Sell signs
Belgium (BEF) may be at a crest at 0.020 gold. Italy may also be at a crest at 0.026 gold.

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Today's biggest movers:

1 JPY = 0.019 gold (-0.019 gold or 50.00% decrease since yesterday)



1 TRY = 0.010 gold (+0.001 gold or 11.11% increase since yesterday)

1 HRK = 0.020 gold (+0.002 gold or 11.11% increase since yesterday)

...and the largest increase and pictured currency of the day is:

1 GRD = 0.007 gold (+0.001 gold or 16.67% increase since yesterday)

eInvesting disclosure: There is no guarantee that you will make money and there is also the possibility of losing money if you don't watch what you are doing. However, if you don't try, you are also guaranteed not to succeed.

Happy eInvesting! Have fun and enjoy another day in eRepublik!