GLD's stance towards GVD takeover

Day 665, 03:35 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by GLD HQ


Dear all,

As we all know by now, a group of people is attempting to take over the GVD. The GLD is fiercely against such actions, because they can be considered non-democratic and above all: immoral.

One might not agree with GVD's program or ideas, but that does not mean they have no reason to exist. Within the democracy of the eUNL, they have gathered a support and thus they validate their own existence. Furthermore, TO' ing a party leads to nothing. Its members will not disappear from eRep and they won't change their ideas for the good either.

We hope that from now on, people will try to their achieve their goals by relying on their own strenghs, instead of sabotaging others.

Best regards,

Pander Sols
Party President