GLaDOS for a second round in London!

Day 794, 11:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GLaDOS


Yeah, It's true, I have decided to run for a second term as your London representative in the house of commons. I believe that I am still the best man for the job and that my copious experience, mixed with my fair policies, make me the best man for this job.

I believe that now, more then ever, we need to be recruiting as many players as possible to the armed forces. From every government paper advertising the benefits of joining the armed forces, to in game advertisements, recruitment is key at this moment. we need to be armed, alert and ready to deal with whatever is thrown at us in this chaotic time of war.

I will continue to support the move to London initiative, as London is our holdout point, our last stand, our countries collective hold out zone for a possible Invasion. London is our only high resource region, has a majority of our countries companies, and has both a Q5 defense system and a Q5 hospital. I believe that all of these things together make London an indispensable region to our country, and as such should be protected as much as possible.

I support the current tax system, but only in a time of war. It is my belief that in times of war, higher taxes are needed to increase the funds of our armed forces. As soon as we are in a safer situation as a country, I will move that this tax system be cut down to the rate it was at before.

Thank you for taking the time to read my Manifesto, and I hope you will remember it when you go to the polls in a few days. Don't forget to vote GLaDOS for London!