Give a HOOT! Vote Koka! [Hooters Girls]

Day 1,261, 23:34 Published in Japan USA by Vincent Garibaldi


I'll be explaining why I support our Emperor, Kokawayoshi Makoto, for President, and why you should too. Helping me, will be the Hooter's Girls, some of our Emperor's biggest fans.

They're voting for Koka. Are you?

While exReality is certainly more than competent (and active) enough to be President, Koka promises more. Koka promises change.

Two more reasons to vote for Koka.

As Koka has laid out in this article, Koka's main push will be for active community involvement in government and increased activity in general.


As you may have noticed, Japan has stopped moving forward. Stagnation has set in. It is not the first time this has happened, but it could well be the last, unless things change.

Vote Kokawayoshi Makoto!

While the military has reformed for the better, it is still a far cry from what it once was and what it could be if the nation were more active. Into the breach several militias have stepped in and increased both damage and activity. Koka is the best placed to oversee an expansion of these groups for the betterment of our Nation.

Koka and his followers are ready to fight.

While much is made about the differences between our Game mechanics and Role Playing groups in Japan, neither of which is monolithic, and both are frequently overlapping, Koka is the person most respected by all quearters of Japanese society. He is not only as well versed in mechanics as anyone could hope to be with rules changing everyday, he has consistently promoted Japanese culture and activity. He has promoted neither to the exclusion of the other, rather he has supported both to strengthen each other.

Seriously. Vote KOKA!

Japan has a moribund congress, and a mostly inactive cabinet. The military is quite honestly the only functioning arm of government. The Media has grown quieter day after day. Japan is adrift without goals, and disunited on most issues when people can be bothered enough to express an opinion. Koka is our best hope of changing that.


If we don't increase activity, get more active both domestically and in foreign affairs, we will not merely be doomed to obscurity and weakness, we will be destroyed. There is no single antidote to our inactivity, and many approached must be simultaneously pursued and tested. That is why Koka can increase our activity and save Japan.

Support the Emperor! 10,000 YEARS!

While we watch our economy destroyed day after day, our media shrivel, and our military capability continue to shrink relative to other nation, we all realize that radical changes in the way we run our country our necessary. That's why Koka is the right man for the job.

So when you vote today, VOTE KOKAWAYOSHI MAKOTO!