Girls turn to take over the world!

Day 1,387, 12:17 Published in Poland Serbia by machine9898
Hey everybody!

Last 2 days we got new country presidents.
What is interesting that Polish and Serbian presidents are females. Both are experienced players and I can say,really good friends. So, I've decided to do an interview with them.

- President of Poland : Wieloryb

1. For the beggining, tell us something about your real life.

My name is Goska, but most of people call me Wea (from Weatherwax) so smt i would rather react at Wea than my real name 🙂 I live in Cracow in Poland. I meet already probably about few hundred people from this game. I like to travel a lot, once I was even in Budapest at the meeting (i will be back!). My little obsessions are gummiebears, but only at some meetings - it's a tradition now, and i can definitely says that then everybody sucks. I have a cat name Carlos (you can ask me about his photos, but prepare that i have about thousand) .
I like cooking, now i would not show you any pictures, but there was a month that everyday there was smt at my shout 😃 Those hungry students hates me 😃

2. How you found out eRepublik and what kept you in this game so long?

My friend ask me if can create account at his reflink, get 10lvl and leave. He left the game, I stayed 🙁 I'm addicted 🙁 it would be moooooooore than 2 years.

3. How much time per day you spend playing this game?

It depends of the day 🙂 Now / Spamming at irc takes me 6h ? maybe more ... but while sitting with computer i'm also reading or watching movies ... so It's not that bad 😛
There are months that i don't have any important function so it's hard to catch me, or when I'm going to party 😃 then i can be 3-5 days offline 😃

4. What annoys you most in eRep?

That so many great people i would like to meet live so far away.

5. You are one of the few females who play eRepublik and one of the few women who became president.What attracts you in politics?

In politics ? nothing 😃

6. May we know, what are your plans in this term?

Yeah, try not to fail, after that i would try not fail again and then i would have hope that people would not hate me after that month 🙂
And of course - help our allies, fight, keep resources ... have fun 🙂

7. Do you have any other functions except this,president of your contry?

I'm one of commanders in GROM.
I'm minister of meetings - forever.

8. Do you buy gold?

I only see t when i get medal 😃 for hard working and strength 😃 (smt BH)
Now i can say that i have 5g, for presidency medal 🙂

9. v1 or v2 ?


10. What is most important to you in this game?

People, having good time, meeting them ... 🙂

11. Do you have any message for eCitizens or maybe a question for me ?
Yeah i have it!

"Players .. remember it's just a game, don't hate each others only cause they are in different alliance, in RL you can even be best friends, behave culturally. Play the game, not live inside it, have fun "

and too You .. Would you appear maybe at late spring in Budapest ? 🙂

- President of Serbia : Unihorn

1. For the beggining, tell us something about your real life.

My name is Kristina and I live in Serbia.
I'm 20 years old( 21 in december) and I study programming 😛

2. How you found out eRepublik and what kept you in this game so long?

My uncle told me about eRepublik, and my military unit kept me here.

3. How much time per day you spend playing this game?

Over 12 hours.Since I'm CP, 24h. 😃

4. What annoys you most in eRep?

Currently nothing.

5. You are one of the few females who play eRepublik and one of the few women who became president.What attracts you in politics?

Policy is in real life part of me so I wanted to try it here also.

6. May we know, what are your plans in this term?

Primarily, to repay ONE for the help in returning to the map, and later start to return the resources.

7. Do you have any other functions except this,president of your contry?

No. 😃

8. Do you buy gold?


9. v1 or v2 ?

Both modules have their advantages.

10. What is most important to you in this game?


11. Do you have any message for eCitizens or maybe a question for me ?

Play this game in honest and funny way. 🙂