Gifts company created and looking for employees

Day 378, 09:06 Published in India Netherlands by dionysus

Dear people of India,

Today I decided to create a gifts company. India did not have one yet and India needs the gifts to keep wellness at a good level.

The name of the company is Indian Giftshop

Indian Giftshop is looking for employees and offers the following salaries:

skill -- salary
0 -- 1.2 INR
1 -- 1.5 INR
2 -- 2.0 INR
3 -- 3.0 INR
4 -- 4.0 INR
5 -- 5.0 INR
6 -- 6.0 INR
7 -- 7.0 INR

Salaries will increase with 0.25 INR at every 0.25 skill increase (meaning that someone with 7.75 skill will earn 7.75 INR).

Let us all help India become a great nation. Join Indian Giftshop today and start producing gifts and earning money.


Indian Chapati is also still looking for employees. Salaries are the same as at Indian Giftshop. Check Human Resources for the job offers.