Ghinsberg Report - Market Update!

Day 1,046, 02:41 Published in USA USA by Ghinsberg Invest
In this issue i will talk about the conomy and the imporvements over the last 48h, and less about ERX - but don't think iv forgotten ERX, i will give you more info specific on stocks later!

I’m glad to say, that the economic activity have grown tremendously since the fighting change!For the first time in ages I can say that the economy is booming. Currency is selling as ever before and company stock flies away!

Even though there obviously have been a lot of activity attributed to everyone wanting to test the new module, I’m pretty confident that we will continue to se nice economic activity. However, always be carefull if you can't afford to gamble!

Many commodities have risen in price, and a lot – around +50 - 100% in many countries, Countries with high regions have experienced strengthen currency. Many companies lost money during all the changes, inventories becoming worthless and currencies depreciating, but those who saved their stock and didn’t dump it on the market should be able to recoup some of their losses or even make nice profits. I'd say we'r in what economist call a Bull market!

Basically, this is a good time for runing weapon, food and raw-exporting companies, so as soon as the new Audit department is in place on ERX I think we will be able to spot some nice profitable and dividend paying companies there. If you have an eye for stock picking, there are for sure some good ones out there! I never recomended myself before, but GBG trading around 0.1 is just silly low.

So, that’s a brief summary of the great progress the game’s made over the last few days. Now we just have to hope that more players return and no stupid rule changes!

One last thing, don’t forget to check out GSSU, the mercenary unit where you fight for free! We are currently looking for countries to train with, so if ur Nation want a bunch of hand's for free send GSSU a message! If you are a fighter, Join us and become a part of a great fore and have some good fun by filling this form out!

Kidn regards
Yossi Ghinsberg
Ghinsberg Group