Ghinsberg Report - ERX Certified Listings and The Upcoming Dividend Period!

Day 1,073, 05:37 Published in USA USA by Ghinsberg Invest
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It’s been a while, but Ghinsberg Report is now back with a market update, and we are more optimistic about ERX than ever. I haven’t seen much talk about it, but the stock exchange have made some tremendous improvements whit the implementation of the Certified List!

As all of you already know the ERX have had two list, one for audited and one for non-audited, where the audited have been composed of companies which have been examined to make sure their stated Corp. Value is correct. However, this audit is only made when the company asks for it, so if a company looses a lot of money and goes down in Corp. Value the company can simply choose not to re-audit and no one will ever now that the value have gone down. Also, no other demands are made of these companies.

Certified Listings
The New Certified list are a great improvement, of these the most obvious improvement is that ERX will back these companies to 100% of the Corp. Value. This means that if you own stock in a Certified Company and the owner runs away with the cash, quits the game or goes bankrupt ERX will pay you back the true value!

Since it’s been a while I will give you a short recap of what the true value (or Nominal Value) is. If a Company with 1000 shares outstanding and a Corp Value of 1000G the True Value of the Share is 1G per share (1000/1000). This means, that if you buy a share below the true value, lets say the company is trading at 0.9G per share, and it goes bankrupt you actually will receive more than you paid for it. This means that shares trading below true value is a great and safe investment.

However, there are even more improvements. Have you all not experiences promised dividends, cancelled without notice, or just companies not releasing any information? Probably you have, and it’s extremely annoying not receiving any information, personally I prefere bad news over no news, because a CEO that keeps his shareholders informed, no matter weather business is bad or good, is at least honest.

The Reporting Period
During the first three days of every month, all Certified Companies must publish estimates for the following three things;

1. Dividends
2. Profits
3. A simple summary of assets

Today is the 28’th, so during the next week we will have our first reporting period! This is exciting, what companies do you think will release estimes for great dividends? What company will reveal they will cancel dividends this month? After the estimtes have been released, the company have one week to pay them out! You can read all the rules HERE.

Companies also must announce before they do splits, issue new shares or buy back their own shares. The ide is to avoud shareholders having their sharevalue dilauted without being informed. It doesn't have to be anything wrong with new issues, as long as the shareholders have a chanse to be informed and make their own opinion.

If the company doesn’t live up to these demands, they can be either removed from the certified list or punished with a penalty fee (a percentage of Corp value). The fact that it’s a great thing to be backed by ERX should give these companies an incitament to follow these rules. Keep in mind though, if they are removed from the list, the backing by ERX also disappears.

Currently there are seven companies on the Certified List, and I will give you my though on a few of these in the next issue of Ghinsberg Report!

Kidn regards
Yossi Ghinsberg
Ghinsberg Group