Ghinsberg Report - Certified Listings Dividends Announced!

Day 1,078, 07:37 Published in USA USA by Ghinsberg Invest

Yesterday was the 1’st of November and as of the new certified listings this is a pretty important date for everyone interested in ERX. All Certified listings on ERX must report expected dividends, profits and a simple summary of assets every month in order to keep their current or future shareholders informed about their current state of affairs. Remember, if you dont understand a cetrain expression, you can read my Dictionary!

In today’s issue I will summarize these reports and give you my view of each of these companies. Since it’s the first report and some companies are quite new I’l refrain from making any harsh judgment, what’s important is weather these Corporations will stick to what they have promised.

UdeA Holding (UdeA)

This is the company of the Audit Dep. Boss of ERX, so I guess one could be fairly certain that the corporation will be managed honesty. The Corporation concist of three different units, two Q5 Food Companies, one Q1 Grain and a few licences amounting to a Corp. Value of 1755. This makes the company one of the smallest on the Certified list, however I’m a fan of small companies since they often have much more room for growth. It’s also one of the cheapest with a valuation of only 67%.

Having discussed the general picture let’s talk about yesterdays report. There company claims to have made investments in one of the Q5 companies and bought the Q1 Grain so no estimates for dividends are given. So we will have to assume that there will be non this month, though they should be greater in the future if the investments are good. Historically dividends have quite regular and around 3-5%.


This Corporation is pretty new to me, though listed on ERX on April 23’d it’s been around for a while. The Corporation is well diversified, with two Q5 Food, two Q5 Tanks, one Q5 House and a number of Q1 Raw Units. Both Food and Tank have a good capability to make profit under current conditions. Admin’s announcement that House will give double wellness should boost house sales.
The dividends for October was 100G, and the CEO states that this month’s dividend will be of the same size.
Looking through the companies there is absolutely cash enough for such a divivdend, so I think we can be pretty confident promises will be held. A 100G dividend would amount to around 3%. The valuation is 105%, which is fair considering the company will pay dividends this month. On the pro side as also that ECAZ have made a nice report, check it out here)!


This is the smallest of the Certified Listing, though they claim to have a pending audit request that will raise them from 819 to 1019 Gold in Corp. Value. The company owns numerous Raw companies, one Q5 Food and 3 Q3 Food. The vast amount of raw companies gives the company a quite low value (raw companies are atm in general more profitable than say Q1 Food, but they have the same price), but should give them a quite good ability to make profit.

If the audit goes through, which it should the valuation will go from 96% down to 78% making it a real bargain. The dividiend is promised at 0.0035G per share, amounting to 35G in total or 4.4% yield at today’s price. Given the low valuation and good dividends this is probably the best investment in terms of return.

Myrmidons Buy Sell Bank (MBSB)

Jaguaros (Founder) MBSM is a real oldie on ERX, and was counted out pretty early, since the business seemed to seize. Today however, they seem to be back at full force, with a really nice and tidy report (here)), 300 Gold in dividends paid out last month and equally promised for November landing at 3.9% dividend yield.

The Corporations have a nominal (or True) value of 6965 Gold making them the second largest on the Certified list. The valuation is just over nominal value at 114% which is pretty fair concidering the dividend yield. Though the profit is estimated at 700G, so there should be room for further investments and thus a raise in Corp Vaue.

Brasil Investimentos (GBBI)

Brasil Investimentos is the newest addition to ERX, listed on the 16’th of August this year. The Corporation have a nice report (here) but it’s all in a laguage foreign to me, though they have a brief statement in English. This tells us that dividends will land at 65G or 2,22% dividend yield using today’s share price. This is one of the lowest and the valuation is pretty high, 146%. Buying this share means a pretty high price for one of the lower dividends. Because the company is new with little history I will refrain from going into details.

These are the six companies that have so far released their report, still missing are t’jelle though I think we will receive this pretty soon, they are after all the founders of ERX. BRAD have released their but I will save that and make a article together with the t’jelle one when it arrives. I will also cover one or two non-certified companies at the same time.

Hope you have enjoyed this article and feel free to send any questions or comments!

Kind Regards
Yossi Ghinsberg
Ghinsberg Group