Getting More out of eRep

Day 1,260, 09:58 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

Day 1,260 of the New World
Focus on the Federalist Forum

"I'm so Horny the crack of dawn better watch out." - Tom Waits
Among the many active members of the Federalist Party, our Party Forum is a point of pride (and horniness). I'd like to take a moment to exhibit why this is so.

First of all, if the only eRepublik you ever play is here on the main web game, you are missing MOST of the action. Most of what actually takes place in this game does not really happen here.

Look. This game is pretty damn cool in terms of giving us all something to click on every day and then offering us some virtual goodies for doing it. But as a social networking infrastructure it is awful. The system for sending Personal Messages (PM's) is poor for a number of reasons, the biggest of which you will notice as soon as you try and search your inbox for something someone said. The ingame inbox is bad.

The entire notion of sharing information with other people is simply not possible in this game. Either you publish something publicly for all to see or you PM it into an email system where nobody will ever be able to reference it.
So we need a Forum, you might be thinking.
Well enter the eUSA Forum. There we have a very good architecture to assemble as a Nation and share information that can be archived, discussed, and further shared in a semi-controlled environment. You should really spend some time there.

But even the eUSA Forum is a frustrating place to do really great communication because its controls are inaccessible to the general public, meaning the areas we may use their are open to everyone.
Enter the Troll.
Trolling is the time-wasting art of creating conversations about nothing. The Troll makes an incendiary comment which begs justice. Justice then attempts to come as others want to fire back to silence the Troll. The Troll now has the attention he desired, and everyone's time has been duly wasted. (Look for one in the comments below... just wait, they'll show up...)
So we need a Forum without Trolls, you might be thinking.
Enter the Federalist Forum. Here we moderate the discussion to information where information is needed, Politics where politics are needed, Militia information for EZ Company, entire Threads worth of Lulz and Wacky Spam, Debates, Think Tanks, Archives of Wisdom, and more than one Threnody to the cruel world of eRepublik.
The Federalist Forum is the Fourth Dimension of eRepublik, and if you are not playing there, you are only playing this game in three dimensions... It's your call.

Spend one week perusing our catalog of pearls and it will improve your game.
Again, here's the link: The Federalist Forum
I'll drop you a line when you get there.

Federalist Party President