Get to the Chopper! Airstrike Tactics

Day 1,725, 01:28 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

Congrats, eRepublik! Your warfare module has entered the 21st century! Yes, the oft-requested, highly anticipated airstrike has finally seen the light of day!

Ok, so maybe it wasn't expected or acclaimed. But this new mechanic gives a new layer of depth to warfare, which I approve of. Basically, for those not in the know, for a fee, nations can send an airstrike to another province, thus declaring war. The new feature's greatest attraction is that the province doesn't need to be bordering the attacking nation. No more mini wars to make a path to a target (Serbia vs. China), nations can directly attack whomever they choose.

Now, this may at first seem like an awful idea. "Oh no, nations will attack willy-nilly wherever they please!" But remember, this special feature comes at a price. Lots of CC are needed to start the airstrike, so much so that the airstrike option is likely only to be used in special occasions. A relatively medium-sized nation such as Canada would require around 2 million CC just to start the war! 2 million! And as for more powerful nations with more players, it could reach numbers as high as 5 or 6 million!

And the restrictions don't end there. While a successful airstrike will start a war, a successful defense ends the war right then and there. So this means that airstrikes are nothing to be tossed around. Airstrikes will become more important than normal battles because an entire war is at stake, not just a lone province. The cost and the risk make airstrikes not just a front, but attacks that need to be well organized.

Despite some of the complaints about the airstrike, it is a very great addition. Countries that want to make a difference but were often blocked off by a long path of nations now have an outlet, and wars become much less localized, and global, world wars are now possible. Imagine the most powerful nations duking it out, dropping airstrikes on each other, hoping to get an advantage, while smaller nations chip in by attacking directly. It's a wonderful thought.

And furthermore, it allows neighboring nations to be allies. Countries often go to war simply because their citizens are itching for some direct combat. Hell, Canada almost went to war with Ireland (an ally) many times simply because players were bored. But now, any desire can be satisfied with a little bit of cash. And without the need to battle neighbors just for the battle itself, there's a bit less of a need to have a belligerent neighbor. Wars will still primarily happen between neighbors, but players will no longer be boxed in by the game mechanics.

So yes, how will airstrikes be used? Airstrikes will most likely be used in only the most important battles, such as defeating a major nation or rescuing a powerful ally from foes. I can personally guarantee airstrikes won't be used often, but when they do, you'll know it's a big deal. The cost and risk of an airstrike may be high, but the potential payoff in major wars is nearly inconceivable.

Let's use the just-ended Serbia vs. Croatia & co. war. Croatia and its buddies were winning, but when Serbia turned the tables, it was clear that Croatia needed help. But with Romania busy and Greece already down, there was no one to hear the calls. But had the airstrike been available, quite a few powerful but out of the way nations could have helped, such as China or Argentina. While it may not have changed the result, at the very least it would have made a Serbian victory much more hard-earned.

Another notable thing is that 100/100 nations may be more inclined to use the airstrike. Already with full bonuses, besides being wealthy nations they would also be in position to attack without the worry of connecting the land strip later. While small nations aren't willing to spread forces too thinly, larger nations that don't need extra bonuses will be more than happy to start a battle for a worthy cause.

And how can Canada use this newfangled contraption? We've long been isolated from the outside world, with long-time buddy America to the south, who we couldn't beat anyway, Ireland to the east, which is another ally, and jolly England, who we've been slugging it out with for years. Now, we can be more directly involved in wars, battling where we're needed, whether it be Italy, Serbia, or even Latvia. We can be much more than the support nation that we've been forced to be for more than 4 years, as long as we're willing to spend the money. And more wars means more True Patriot medals, and we like those shinies, right? Plus, Canada invading Bulgaria would be hilariously stupid, wouldn't it be?

Until next time, take care!

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