Day 554, 17:34 Published in Germany Switzerland by Billy Bob Joe

Much has happened since my last article, but I still feel the need to fill in the blanks, so everyone knows what is going on.

(1) We sent voters to Spain, and quite a few a that. Unfortunately, the Swedes did a better job of advertising that they helped, despite the fact that we sent more. I think the Spaniards are shifting towards neutrality now, or at least don't care anymore.

(2) The world is exploding. Indonesia has been (essentially) taken over, South Africa was (unfortunately) conquered, the USWP in the USA has taken a huge lead (and they are the Scrabman supporters, so that is probably not for the best), and various wars are erupting. This is somewhat good for us, as it means we get time to rebuild and prepare. It also means that if we had an open chance to counter attack and our allies were loyal, we could likely do so. However, that is not an option right now, so we must sit and wait.

(3) Germany was partially taken over, but then it turned out several of the TO-ers were multi accounts and banned. The takeover is over, and victory is ours!

(4) After some consideration, I have decided to run for president here. Starkad has proved to be a good president, but he has had several terms and he probably could use a break and a chance to do other stuff. I am currently looking for a cabinet, so if you want a specific position, PM me.

(5) Poland is "war-gaming" us. It is at their expense, they are definitely not conquering anything (at least not while the world is exploding). and we gain free experience and wellness. Use the battle to help your wellness, rank, etc. Don't waste gold on it, the Poles/Swedes are not going to fight hard there. If they launch a real assault, we will know.

(6) I will be going on vacation for 3 days. I may check in once in a while, but don't count on me being super-active.