George Beeman For Canadian Empire Party PP

Day 1,023, 14:32 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

I am running for PP in the CEP.

What I will do:

You know how there is almost always tons of gold sitting in the Party accounts? Well, I shall use every last bit (cent?) of gold for advertising due to the fact that we need as many people as we can get. As much as I hate to say it, negative ads work better than positive ones.

I have been to congress, and with PP, I will endorse myself for CP (most likely), so that I can get the set!

Under my leadership, we WILL become the number one party and win glory!

This is going to be my major ad, used to draw supporters away from the DAL and to the CEP:

On September 15th,

Vote for the choice of a NEW GENERATION!

George Beeman