
Day 858, 15:22 Published in USA USA by S.E.E.S

On the 25th, we saw one of the most competitive elections seen in this country for at least 9 months. More real candidates were run in more states then in a good while and there were fewer uncontested states then I recall seeing since before the invasion. On top of this, there was S.E.E.S.

Despite only two of the Top 5 parties allowing us to run candidates under them (big shout out to the DERPs and the Feds) the S.E.E.S. campaign manager, using threats, guile, blackmail and occasionally seduction, managed to get S.E.E.S. candidates on the ballot in 14 states. This was largely thanks to S.E.E.S. members' willingness to step up and act as blockers for the FEC and prevent PTOers from running.

On the morning of the 25th S.E.E.S. was the 8th ranked party in America with about 180 members, making the smallest top 5 party, the Federalists, over 3 times as large as us and the AAP roughly 10 times as large. However, unlike the parties we were up against, we had a full ecstasy bar, meaning we could change into a tiger on command. Remember this, because it will become important later.

As the day progressed several of our candidates' opponents began gaining votes much quicker then in any other race. By the time I logged in it looked like Necrosis would continue his tradition of never winning an election and the Federalist candidate in Wyoming was keeping pace with our own Candor alarmingly easily. We began to resign ourselves to losing these two races when admin intervened and banned both our competitors for multi accounting. (Admin :3) The important thing to take away from this story is of course that it took his opponent getting banned to actually get GF to win an election.

The other main drama was the S.E.E.S./USWP rivalry that started at 12:01 on the 25th and only ended on roll over to the 26th. We were contesting three crucial states with this party, Alabama, New Mexico and New Hampshire. In total our two parties spent 119 votes on these three states alone. I'm just going to point out the fact that the USWP are over 7x larger then we were and we managed to lead them in all three states until just before roll over. What happened in the 10 minutes before roll over is possibly the most fun I have had in eRepublik. The election organizer and acting PP for the USWP is a woman called Fionia who is mildly disliked in the SEES party, therefore we made a point in challenging her in her state of New Hampshire (a decision that led to her dropping all SEES candidates from the USWP ballot, democracy FTW \o/). As we were leading the USWP, we expected her to dump a lot of votes on herself but also try to win some of the other states that they had been competing with us for for most of the day.

However, Fionia is not bound by the common rules of logic. Instead of trying to win her state, as well as trying to get some other experienced congressmen voted in, such as Presidential Candidate Joe Newton in Alabama, she fearlessly called upon her genetic heritage and transformed into a FULL-POWER SUPER SAIYAN and ordered The Entire USWP Sniper Contingent to vote her into congress. Needless to say we didn't expect this tactical masterstroke and she was able to secure that state, at the cost of conceding us two other states that we actually had a much higher priority for. So big hug and thanks to you Fionia 😁

To cap the day off S.E.E.S. moved 153 votes had more snipers then almost any other party and managed to secure itself ten congress seats all within 10 days of it being founded by Our Dear Leader. We also managed to butt heads with the second largest party in the USA and come out on top. As of today our party membership has sky rocketed, and we are now the #6 party in the country. This is enormous. I am rock hard after writing this.

And now, for your viewing pleasure, a list of your congressional representatives, S.E.E.S.:
Devon Donaldson
MJ Storm
Julian of Albanopolis
Rainy Sunday

Gentlemen, we have ten members in congress. That's right, we control one-sixth of congress. This was most definitely a triumph, but this was just the first of many tests of our power, S.E.E.S. There will be many more in the future, S.E.E.S. members, so always be ready.