General Updates

Day 745, 18:32 Published in USA USA by Zanmor
Commune Alpha
We had about 65 grain left so I purchased 205 units of Q5 at .95 per. So we now have well over 1000 and still have over 300 USD in the company accounts. Again, if you are looking to become a permanent member of Commune Alpha I highly encourage you to join us on the forums. Say hello, if nothing else. Let us know you're around and interested.

Currently there is some talk of how we might already seek to exert some control over the market and show the influence of even a small commune. It's certainly interesting to think this could already be a possibility after we've been around for such a short time.

Also, it has been decided that workers will receive food for each day they work. So work all seven days so you get a full week's food on Sundays.

Conservative Party
The CvP has hundreds of members yet less than 200 are registered on the forums and only a handful are active. Everyone should stop by and see what's being talked about. Have your say in things. We're a party that could be much more of a force in America if only our members were more active. We need to know you're interested.