General thoughts, Perception, Old Players vs New Players.. etc.

Day 3,538, 15:32 Published in USA USA by Liracy


I'm not even certain if the media module is still very active but I thought I'd try my hand at writing something. I started the game back in 2009 when E-America was quite close to being wiped entirely and I had a blast with it, watching walls crumble before Emerick MAGA. I've made a few returns since then but never really even been an active two-clicker because I would always lose interest.

I hear people saying we should "be involved" but for many players just starting out in the game they don't even know what that means. Train daily! To what end? With the current strength working as it does it'd be years before you MIGHT be relevant and even then those who'd never quit would still be far more powerful and meaningful than you ever will.

The problem is glaring. I see some people calling for perception as a "savior" to the game, and "giving the new player a chance!" But in reality is that anything more than a bandaid? A year from now all the new players starting will be just as weak as players starting now with no incentive to ever catch up. A system in which you can only gain a set amount of stats daily no matter how much you play is a flawed system for new players.

They want to matter, they want to have an impact no matter how small but looking at older players is daunting. So, no. I reject perception as the answer. I'd much rather see something closer to the current where "battle rank" is what matters. In other words "the more you play the stronger you can become" in a manner that actually means something. As it stands, I can be a Titan on the ground but if I dont have the years of strength built up it doesn't matter. No matter how much a new player plays they'll never become relevant in the battle module as it currently works.

Now, this isn't me saying someone who's been on the game a week should be as powerful as someone who's been playing for years.. but over a long period of time they SHOULD be allowed to feel relevant. To be given a reason to play beyond two-clicking and logging off and to feel like their time spent within the game is turned into advancement and a feeling of getting "better" in a meaningful way.

Example at current: Player A has been playing for three years and Player B started a month ago.

Player A likely has maxed training, they log on and click train while Player B does the same. The gap between these players has just become wider and there is nothing Player B can do to change it.

Now, lets assume Player B has maxed training as well, they both train and.. Player B has come no closer to reaching Player A. What I am proposing is this. If Player B spends 4 hours a day in the game for a month, and Player A two clicks for a month. Player B should be closing the gap in a reasonable way with player A.

Why do we "NEED" perception? We don't. We NEED a new battle system. (I know, I know. No one has ever suggested that before me.) We need a system in which old players do not feel cheated, and yet new players do not feel pointless.

TLDR; Perception Bad. Time spent in game should be rewarded moreso than it is. Give reasons for more than two clicking. #PlatoPLS

Let me know down below if you agree or disagree and why! V+S is always appreciated.