General Cartmen Lee - Poor Politician

Day 1,674, 18:33 Published in USA USA by Jack Mensley

So as many of you know, Ajay Bruno or rather (as he is known as) General Cartman Lee has got another perma banned. Which to be quite honest, he deserved it for using a sociopath character from a tv show that so blatantly contradicts their own morals stated in their and corrupts modern children's minds.

Don’t get me wrong, I too have cracked a few ginger jokes here and there for teh lulz, but the young minds of children don’t have an inebriated mind like myself. They simply have not developed the morals to know that they can wear out a joke so badly to the point that it’s humorless to hear.
I my liquored opinion, thats not very patriot like to encourage a show like that if you have followers like that.

Though this is not why I’m discussing Ajay, lets get down to business.

As many of you followers of Ajay know, he has not been successful in his endeavors of getting in politics.
For what I can tell, and perhaps I am wrong, but GCL / Ajay has been blaming many people who he calls “elitists”.
Proclamation that they are what prevents him from giving you what “you” (his followers) want.
First off, it isn’t the elitists that are preventing his success, it’s his own inability to be reasonable or to at least act reasonable like a decent politician would. Then perhaps the “elitists” would actually allow him to get away with what he likes. He seemed to have tried to do this, but he effed it up so many times that he can’t play that game anymore.
He’s unable to lie to the public’s face like a decent politician or to just fall in line and follow the system properly and just achieve success then mask it with a bunch of bull ship covered in gold and diamonds.
Emerick was able to become CP and take majority of members from other parties (pto[debate it if you want]) and create SEES. He made an annoyance to other parties look glorious to generally all of the eUS.

old avatar is old

Then Chocolate McSkittles, near the end of his June 2010 term and before the transition to V2, was able to open a whole bucket of mess for the succeeding president, Bradley Reala. He had started a war with Russia in which opened a invation of ruskies to American soil. Chocolate was given little to none blame for this, but instead Bradley Reala took the heat. He might of even wrote an article glorifying his act of declaring war.

My point being is that the primary essential in politics to be able to be shifty and cover your arse with gold like clever Emerick or delicious Chocolate. Or at least cover it so no one can see the repercussions trail leading to whom it started with.
Now Ajay Bruno does not have this ability to do either since he messed up so many times and didn’t cover the trail. Every single example of this fully documentable with former articles of Ajay Bruno, Pizza the Hut Pizza the Hut II, General Cartman Lee, a tale of pizza’s eff ups.
(for the record, the wiki pages on the accounts are more likely to be tampered by pizza which doesn’t really hold much info that pertains to anything)

this guy can pull off manipulating his sheit

Though the kicker is that there is more too why he’s such a poor politician and being terrible at lying is part of it the long list.

So to those that still follow Ajay, you’re just following a poor sap that doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s clueless as to what to do about ascending into power so he can “give what you want” or get what he even wants.

I’d suggest joining a political party that can actually collaborate and get you where you want to in this game.

Now I know what you’re thinking, “Why should I follow these generic parties that have no life in them?”. Well I’ll tell you, it’s You.
You are the person that should be bringing these generic parties to life and making them individual with your legacy combined with others. You will infact be remembered and read about by noobs if you manage to succeed. If you’re not looking for that, then you will certainly find a group of people that will keep you entertained while you play this game.

Finally the last thing is to not desired power, like the miniscule power hungry fink like Ajay Bruno, or at least don’t be so obtuse and puerile while trying to get there.

Now don’t go trying to be me, cause I’m Jack. And as everyone knows, Jack is Jack and is sometimes back for astronomically unknown reasons. More in and out then anything... Just don’t steal my brand. ಠ_ಠ
Anyway, the bottle is empty. So I’ll leave it saying that some of the history is only my recollection, so I could be wrong, but I’m not changing the integrity of the article to make my sources correct.

Jack’s off