Game Mechanics, role-playing, and game-playing

Day 839, 10:21 Published in USA USA by system0101
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I've seen a lot of bad ink for Mechanists lately. They seem to be the punchline for a joke now. I hate to see it, cause some of our brightest minds fall into this category of players. I mean, the only punchline I can see is Congress--

Yeah yeah... Well anyways, I'm here to discuss why everyone dissing and pissing on Mechanists are fools. So what is a Mechanist? It's a catch-all phrase for a player who learns and understands the rules of the game, and tries to find optimal solutions to the problems they face.

Yeah, there are players who make fun of our Smart Guys. 2kewl4skewl, amirite?

r-e-a-d a b-o-OKAY!!

Most people of this mindframe wouldn't call themselves Mechanist, they'd just consider themselves knowledgeable players. Some players, myself included, see it almost as a badge of honor, that the tactics and strategy game have more sway in our continued successes than the social strategy side of the game. How much more is up for debate.

What some fail to keep in mind is that playing intelligently, and using game mechanics to your advantage requires no belief, no faith, no ideology. It is a science. Theories are tested, hypotheses are hypothesised, and barring any deus ex machina (or admin ex machina, amirite?), it's relatively straightforward to see what most of the optimal gameplay strategies would be. Everything else is Sociology.

So that's it, that's Game Mechanics. There are many theories, all at least partially useful. Keep in mind the definition of a [url=]theory[/url]. The important points are that a proper theory is based on observations, is testable, and is something anyone can question.

Get blinded by science, btchz.

I like role-players. I like people who could care less about mechanics. I like people who play this game to make friends, influence people, and play out a sociopolitical fantasy. It makes the game tick. It makes things ineresting. Turning this game into a pure science would not only be impossible, it would also be impossibly boring. Not to mention that a majority of social ideas and ideals would not be considered theories in the scientific sense, and require at least a little bit of belief or faith.

There is a lot of fun to be had in political parties, on the national forum and on IRC. There's a game to be played here, from what I've heard! :3 I know I'll be doing what I enjoy, tinkering with ideas and theories. So continue doing what you do, eRepublikanz, have a blast here, but remember the nerds like me are waiting on standby to debunk rampant misinformation.

Play Mr. Roboto! No, play Iron Man!!