Future Designs

Day 696, 10:16 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Christopher Henderson
Party Presidency

When I logged in yesterday, I was down 2 votes to 3. Knowing that in the last election Malachi Stone ran with no competitors and gained 6 votes, I was pretty sure of my defeat. However, when I logged on today, I discovered that I had become the Party President of the Sons of Prague. So you'd understand how surprised and elated I was. I checked the election results and I won 3 votes to 3 votes. Most likely this is due to either a glitch or because I had a slightly higher rank or my name came first in the alphabet. Either way, it was an extremely close election.

I see this not as a mandate to violate the status quo without care and consideration, but as a mandate to move forward and to build towards the future. My first order of business is to establish an IRC channel on www.rizon.net for increasing communications between party members. I will take a moment to let everyone know where everything is.

#SoP - Sons of Prague Official Party Channel
#eCzeChat - Official Czech Republic Channel
#CzechR - Czech Republic Channel
#Congress.cz - Congress Channel

http://e-cz.forumotion.com/forum.htm (Official Czech Republic Forums)

Other Issues to Tackle

One of the other things I have noticed is our lack of a Party avatar or flag. If anyone has any designs they want to submit or ideas (perhaps a link to the old flag), please message me. Otherwise, I will try to do my best to get an image for the SoP (I'm not the best with paint.).

I plan on using a little gold to initiate an advertising campaign. Speaking of which, I will need some images for the advertising as well. If anyone can help, please do so.

I will be opening up several positions within the party. They are largely informal (meaning I won't try to make you do a bunch of stuff that would take hours and hours to do).

1. Chief Recruiter
2. Graphic Designer
3. Translator - Prokop

If you have any suggestions or questions, please drop a message.

Good Riddance!

I don't want to bring more focus on Logamac, since he gets way too much media attention to begin with. However, he has written three newspaper articles within the span of about a day. Each of them have been a childish way of saying goodbye and good riddance to the Czech Republic (as a whole) and to the United Slavs. After his first two articles (which have both made it to the top 5 news articles in the Czech Republic... unfortunately), he wrote a third one in which he rejoiced as Red Baxter was supposedly stepping down and he was regaining his position has party president.

Logamac just got pranked.

Anyways, Logamac was mad that Red Baxter won since he didn't make a presentation. I have to say that no presentation is sometimes better than a bad presentation. For the past few weeks, Logamac has contributed virtually nothing to our country besides drama and mayhem. To him I say

Good Riddance, Logamac!

Red Baxter, on the other hand, has actually written some useful newspaper articles and has done more than to ramble on about things irrelevant to this country. Let's hope he can do better as the Party President of the United Slavs Party! To him I say

Good Luck, Mr. Baxter!


SoP official party translator is now Prokop.
