Funky Hum24n for CPF PP [February-March 2013]

Day 1,912, 18:42 Published in Canada Canada by Funky 24

My name is Funky Hum24n (the 24 stands for twenty four) and I will be seeking the Party Presidency of the Canadian Progressive Front (CPF) this Friday.

A little bit about me: My ebirthday was April 5, 2009, meaning that within less than two months’ time I will have been actively playing eRepublik for four years. I won't go over my eLife, but for now, let’s just say I've seen a lot, done a lot and know what buttons to push. My avatar is of the character Q from the Science Fiction Franchise Star Trek. My own personality, you'll find is not much different, for better or worse. The CPF though, I identify with much more, having been a member since literally Day One of its second founding in August of 2009. Before that I briefly identified myself as a member of Bruck's Canucks, and before that, as a member of the Canadian Empire Party.

My accolades are as follows. I am an 8 term Congress member, each time with the CPF. I am a 14 term CPF Party President, 15 terms overall, including 10 consecutive elections from October 2011 through to August 2012. I was elected Emperor of eCanada by Congress and had an enjoyable stint as Ambassador to Malaysia and Thailand. I've also been elected as a Regiment Captain for my Military Unit multiple times. Last month I was also the Media Spokesman for the CPF, releasing articles for eCanadians to digest.

I've answered the "who the hell are you" part. But why the hell am I running again? For one thing, I think I am your best option. I also very much care enough, and will be active enough these four weeks to do this job properly.

So what I'm going to do? I'm going to bring back the election procedures that served the CPF so well when I was Party President last, adjusted for the changes made since. Simply put, Party Presidential elections will remain free votes. Congressional rankings will be filled by my discretion on who I think will contribute the most and represent the CPF's ideals the most faithfully. For our Country Presidential nomination, I will message every member on the 1st of each month a list of all publicly announced CP candidates, with a link to their respective platforms. They pick one Candidate. Candidate with plurality receives our nomination. These procedures are fair and simple. If the party doesn't like the Congressional Roster, they can elect another PP. CP Candidates can only blame themselves for not working over the party hard enough for its nomination. This will be re-published in a future article.

Message threads (known affectionately as Moose Calls) including the entirety of the party membership will be continued, with more information at the beginning to help out those having trouble understanding the game and our community or in case they are in need of direct assistance. I will also share summaries of important news and events through the PM as the month progresses.

Recruitment, Congressional discipline (oh my!) and media will be handled by me primarily. My success in the latter will be visible for the party to see. My methods and efforts win the former I will share and update with the whole party through our message threads. I am hesitant to form a Cabinet since I do not foresee any need for it and plan on sharing my thoughts either in public or in one on one conversations. I will be more than willing to share, accept or assign tasks such as games or IRC meetings as they come up and will give party titles based on those who involve themselves as time goes on.

With Wilhelm Gunter leaving us and the Praetors especially, I think it is time that I try again with the eCanada forum administrators to create a CPF subsection on the forum. This will help our forum activity and connect our party to more resources and hopefully the rest of eCanada to the CPF. I will also continue to keep our IRC Channel at #nCPF humming along.

Now that the technical stuff is out of the way, I want to talk more about why I am running again. Allow me to direct you to a Party President campaign article of another party:

As you can see, all parties share housing a community of players divided between inactives, two-clickers, party elite, and those in between. Lots of parties have official media and accompanying organizations, such as MUs and companies. It's also no secret that a lot of this in the eUS is simply a result of building enough of a mass of members to ensure an automatic supply of actives to take over and delegate duties to. But that doesn't explain what makes Oblige's party or any party different or unique, besides the particular individuals. For if that was the only reason, most of us would be in one party to maximise our political community.

Politics isn't about community. It's about different communities that are supposed to have their own best way and common principles for how to apply political power. As Party President, if there's one thing that I hope you remember me as being good at, it’s for defending what the CPF stands for: Our Seven Tenets that work to ensure social mobility and cohesion so that eCanada can naturally progress as we optimistically believe it can. This requires a focus on taking advantage of game mechanics through optimal taxation and the conquest of resources through the use of our alliance as well as the use of rational, honest and positive debate in our politics, finally, with equal and open funding of our military units. I will hope to lead the party through to these tasks as best as I can. The major consequence of Rolo's PTOs I've found is the creation of a Top 5, plus Addy's party that is made up of parties all similar to the CPF in their orientation. They express views that we've been articulating since before they were parties. The CPF is eCanada's premier party and we deserve the prestige of this obvious fact.

I've posted a couple more links below for you to get to know me and the party I wish to lead once more. To the Party Council, our Congress members and Auk Rest, I want to thank you for keeping the Blue Moose safe. When I left the Party Presidency, I missed out on when it kept growing on and on to take the number one spot. Not this time.

Importance of party ideals.
Michael 23's (Michael is a personal hero of mine) interview of me on the CPF.

(TinyURL: )

The CPF is a party that welcomes all who care about a responsible, accountable and positive government to our halls. There are many opportunities available for newer players, so please, consider joining us!
IRC is #nCPF

Seven Tenets of the Canadian Progressive Front:
1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Ensure Canada is a reliable and selfless ally
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy

- Funky Hum24n, Canadian Progressive Front Media Leader.
- Praetor/CPF forum Administrator
- #nCPF Administrator
- CPF Wiki Page

I am always available to answer your silly queries, so feel free to send a private message my way.