Frost4Potus: A Domestic Agenda....

Day 2,137, 17:21 Published in USA USA by Josh Frost
Mood Music: Roar

What's right about America is that although we have a mess of problems, we have great capacity - intellect and resources - to do something about them.

Domestic Policy…. this is the part of my platform that every American has been waiting on the edge of their seat to see… right? Rather than do the traditional: “I am going to feed and educate new players” diatribe, I am going to talk about two problems I see in this country and two ideas I have for remedying those problems to make us safer and more effective.

The Department of Interior and Parties Working Together?????

One thing that caused a stir in my previous article is the suggestion that political parties and the Department of Interior should work together rather than independently to provide services to our newer players. A lot of people get nervous when ideas like this are suggested because it suggests that the government is trying to control political thought and discourse in this country. I understand that, but respectfully disagree. There are absolutely no policy differences between any of the Top 4 parties. Their differences are mainly due to differing personalities and the desire to be the top party in the eUSA.

If the Department of Interior and the parties were to work together it would help remedy two glaring problems we have in this country:

1. A lack of manpower to provide services.
2. Help to eliminate the PTO threat. (We’ll talk about this in the next section.)

If we can acknowledge the fact that there are no differences amongst our parties then we can make progress in creating a team of both party and government workers that will provide both educational materials and supplies to our newer players. It also allows us to provide better mentor-ship and allows us to keep newer players in the game. Let’s be honest with ourselves… we’re stretched thin when it comes to providing government and party services. Rather than stretching ourselves thin or having overlapping programs, wouldn’t it be best to work together to get the job done?

It’s a cliche at this point, but it’s true: New players are the future of the eUSA. This congressional election resulted in pretty good parity in the results. This isn’t a bad thing, and it should be what we want. We want parity and equal numbers among our parties. This will lead to a strong Top 5 which is easier to defend from PTO threat. Which leads us to our next section….

The War at Home

We’re under a PTO threat, and we have been for a long time. We’ve dealt several crippling blows to RGR and his team of PTO’ers, but those were just short term victories. As long as RGR is able to create a party that can get close to the Top 5, we will be under that threat. Now, everyone pitched in and did their part in ending unity elections, which was a great first step. We’ve PTO’ed his party several times now and have watched as his numbers and voting power have diminished. Now, it’s time to work on a long term plan to end this once and for all.

We need to build a strong Top 5, and I believe it is the Government’s job to do that. This is not strictly a party problem… This is a national security problem. We need to start directing players (particularly newer ones) to join the Top 4 parties and begin the work of building a legitimate 5th party. I know some people are going to read what I have written in this article and say the following: OMG!!! Tyranny!!! Threat to Civil Liberties and Dissension!!!

Here is my response to those who disagree: I appreciate your difference of opinion, but you are wrong. Let me explain why... If elected President, I would have the duty of making the best possible decisions to ensure the safety of this country from both internal and external dangers. I have no problem with sixth parties. I appreciate their voice and contributions to the eUSA community, but I have to operate using game mechanics to protect the country.

Game mechanics dictates that we need to have a strong top 5 in order to ensure a safe nation. Believe me, I wish we just needed a Top 3 or 4… It would make ATO work much easier. What does this all mean? It means we need 5 parties that are strong and secure in order to protect the democratic process in this country. If we have a weak top 5 then we put ourselves at the risk of being PTO’ed, so we’re going to start building stronger parties… And it starts day one of my administration. We cannot allow people like RGR to corrupt the political system and defy the will of the nation by allowing in enemy combatants to try to take over our political process and government. I have an obligation to protect the nation, and I intend to do that by any means necessary.

I’m running an uncommon campaign here. I’m not giving you false promises in order to get elected. A lot of what I am advocating is controversial... change often is. If you don’t like what I say, then you are free to disagree with your voice and/or your vote. What I am trying to do as this campaign progresses is advance a philosophy of teamwork, explain what policies I am going to enact, why those policies are necessary, and teach a little about the game. It’s going to be a long road for the eUSA to comeback from the brink, but I know that together we can make great things happen. I am asking you for your help and support in making these ideas a reality.

Next article is foreign policy and war, so stay tuned!

On a sadder note… God Speed Battle Kitteh: