Day 646, 14:25 Published in Malaysia Canada by Ryan Southcombe

Ok i'll start this article off by saying thank you to who voted me into congress
anybody that knows me in FROSEA knows that i am very into the army Module.
I wrote an article before i'm sure some will remember it.

If you don't want to read the article i'm sure this will jog your memory

i must say that the implementation of the daily army orders was a very good start. but not everbody has firefox,. it is time that we continue with a plan it is time for the military to get more structure. not funded by the government, not made for any gain, only to make the war module more interesting.I think we have a good start Daily orders is a good idea but i' know that a private does not take orders from the general. and giving a little responsibility to other players will make them like this game that much will make each person proud of being part of something.wether it be a small brigade or a small squadron.

Ryan Southcombe
