From time to eTime

Day 753, 04:29 Published in Serbia Serbia by Horabin

Dobar dan moji dragi ePrijatelji
Vreme je za prvu eKolumnu..a sta pisati..
Evo me..provodim svoje prve dane u svom eZivotu..kao mnoge druge eBebe..treniram..radim-skoro kao i u nekom drugom zivotu..
Ali sta je to drugacije ovde?..Sta nas to tera da ostanemo i zivimo ovaj eZivot
Mozda samo zelimo da se zabavimo.
Sumnjam da postoji mogucnost da je zelja da unesemo nesto veliko u nase eZivote ta koja nas drzi ovde..
ili ipak ne?
Herojstvo..Cast..Pravda..Hrabrost..da li su to reci?
U onom drugom zivotu imamo nase snove-male ili velike-ali sanjamo-neki od nas se nadaju da ce se ti snovi ostvariti..neki od nas sve cine da se ostvare..
A sta je sa ESnovima?..Da li ESanjamo?..
Postati eHeroj..ePredsednik..eBogatas..ko zna..
Evo me pijem svoju jutarnju kafu..i uzivam u svojim prvim koracima u ovom eSvetu..mozda i mene ceka nesto veliko ovde?
Ko zna...
I tako..dragi moji ePrijatelji ostajte posteni..borite se za pravedno..budite hrabri..budite heroji..velike reci zar ne?..Mozda,moji dragi ePrijatelji..mozda mozemo ove reci preneti i u neki drugi zivot iz ovog eZivota..i mozda..nas nesto veliko ceka i tamo..neki san koji ce se ispuniti..
Ko zna...
Zivot ceka...dosta od mene sa ovim eSnovima
Ostajte mi dobro dragi moji ePrijatelji a ja cu se vratiti... vremena na eVreme..

Hello my dear eFriends.
It is time for my first eColumn...and what to wrote...
Here i am..spending my first day's in this many others like in some other life..
But what is different here?..What makes us to stay and live our eLife on this eWorld..
Maybe we just wan't to have fun..
I doubht that possibility to bring some greatnes in our eLifes is something that makes us stay here
..or is it?
Heroizm...Honesty...Justice...Bravery... are those the words?
In another life we have our dreams-big or small-but we are dreaming-some of us are hoping that their dreams will come trough, ..some of us are doing everything to make them alive..
And what about eDreams?..Are we eDreaming also?...
To become eHero..ePresident..eRichman...who knows..
Here i am...drinking my morning coffee...and enjoying my first steps in this eWorld...maybe there is some greatnes for me also here?..
..Who knows
So my dear eFriends stay honest ..fight for a Hero.. big words aren't they?..Maybe my dear friends..maybe we can deliver those words from this eLife in some other....and maybe there is some greatnes waithing for us..some dreams to come trough..
..Who knows
Life is waiting ..enough of me with this eDreams
Stay well my dear eFriends..and i will be back..
..From time to eTime...