From the Office of the CJCS

Day 1,702, 17:50 Published in USA USA by Cyber Witch

Let me start off by saying, I am completely and utterly disgusted with this turn of events. I don't want to hear they started it, whine, whine, whine. I was just reacting, blah, blah, blah. Those of us in the know realize exactly what transpired to get us to this point. And those 2 minutes are dayeming, to say the least. Between the logs I have read, and personal accounts of what happened from my insiders in the eWorld, it is quite obvious our government transpired to get Canada to attack, so they could implement their Wipe Canada plans, and continue on with their aligning with certain ONE countries. These plans have been in the works for months. The current and past POTUS are all guilty. Not just Evry. But as the current POTUS he could have tried to stop it, if he so wished.

I have taken a poll of my people concerning this matter (something the eUSA govt would Never do) And the results are as follows:

Fight completely for Canada, against the eUSA. 17%
Fight completely for eUSA, against Canada. 7%
Fight only in battles to defend each country's original regions. 76%

I stand by the wishes of my troops. We shall fight to defend the original regions for each side.

My soldiers will NOT be discharged, censured, or in any way subjected to discipline, for fighting their conscience. Whether that be fighting for, against, or abstaining altogether. Nor will their supplies be withheld for doing any of those listed above. Anyone in current militias who wish to join a non-judgmental military are more then welcome to join us.

We will continue to support the TRUE Allies of this country, whether we have an MPP with them anymore or not. This decision will not affect them in anyway.

Cyber Witch - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Jadiv - Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
ChubbZilla - Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Supporting Branches:
Training Corps
National Guard
Mobile Infantry

Supporting MUs
Pickle's exPatriates