From the International Desk: Day 2,271

Day 2,271, 17:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by Mercurius100

Today’s news features reports from Lithuania, Russia, and Ukraine.

Click here for translations from Google Translate.

Reporting from Lithuania is Akviliutte.

The English version

The CP elections began and ended. We congratulate TheUnit Yack who is an honorable man. Who will be responsible in his duties. A lively conversation was held on Tuesday with the future , and now current president. The live chat was really successful, people had the opportunity to express their views directly to the future president and ask him questions.

Last month, our country was run by Boruzele , it was a really successful term and we thank her for that. The term of office was really successful , the President and her team worked really hard and we appreciate it .

Alliance issues are still not fully understood, but it’s not unclear to our country alone. Hopefully in the near future it will be resolved .

Lithuania was also shocked by Latvia's attack on Belarus. Lithuania is a friend of both Belarus and Latvia, this is why our position is neutral and we’re not taking any sides and thus support both . We will further look on how the situation will proceed, then we will decide on how to proceed further, it will be decided in a referendum, were the people will express their opinion on this matter.

Wars continue with Finland and Sweden , we don’t have any new wars currently.

Lietuviška versija

Prasidėjo ir baigėsi CP rinkimai, sveikiname TheUnit Yack, tai garbingas žmogus. Eis atsakingai savo pareigas. Buvo antradienį surengtas gyvas pokalbis su busimuoju, o dabar jau esamu prezidentu. Gyvas pokalbis tikrai pavyko, tauta turėjo galimybę išreikšti savo nuomonę tiesiogiai būsimam prezidentui ir užduoti jam rūpimus klausimus.

Praeitą mėnesį šaliai vadovavo Boruzele, tai buvo tikrai sėkminga kadencija ir dėkojame jai už ją. Kadencija tikrai pasisekusi, komanda ir pati prezidentė dirbo tikrai iš paties, esame jai dėkingi.

Aljanso klausimas dar nėra visiškai aiškus, tačiau jis nėra aiškus ne vien mūsų šalyje. Tikimės artimiausiu metu išsispręs.

Lietuvą taip pat šokiravo Latvijos puolimas Baltarusiją. Lietuva draugauja tiek su Baltarusija, tiek su Latvija, todėl kol kas mūsų pozicija yra neutrali ir nepalaikome nei vienos pusės ir tuo pačiu palaikome abi. Lauksime ir stebėsim tolimesnę situaciją, vėliau apsispręsime, kaip elgtis toliau, tai bus nuspręsta referendumu, tauta išsakys savo nuomonę šiuo klausimu.

Karai tęsiasi su Suomija bei Švedija, naujų karų šiuo metu neturime.

More recommended reading: Akviliuttes laikrastukas

Reporting from Russia is kolluchiy.

Hi, friends!

Firstly, I didn't win elections, but I’m not upset. The member of "old school" won elections. He is considered the successor of the previous president

Foreign affairs

Spain rejected MPP with us, but everything is possible.

In war between Spain and Portugal, Russian government decided to support Spain, because our ally, USA, fights against Portugal.

Also we wait for volunteers for liberation of Russia. War against Argentina is very labor-consuming and boring activity.

More recommended reading: ReVcToS

Reporting from Ukraine is Sibyr.

Good evening, dear readers!

eUkraine was fighting with eHungary during last week. Unfortunately, it was not successful and today eUkraine has only 1 region.

Also the president's election took place. Pazelya had won the elections with 51.16% of general voices. He is representative of National Front. His major competitor was anarchist Gut Viva who got 30.85% of voices. There were 645 persons who took part in elections.

That's all for today. Read us and stay with us.

More recommended reading: The Sibyr Times

Thanks for reading today’s edition. We’ll be back tomorrow with more news bulletins from reporters around the world.