From Spain, With Love

Day 1,945, 19:12 Published in Ireland USA by Raven Anarcho

A referendum packed with opportunity ends in threats, as a decision is made in CoT's court case regarding Australia. One nation's people are unsatisfied with their governments neutral approach, while yet another nation is robbed.


During an alliance referendum, Ireland was threatened by Spanish officials with an invasion. The Spanish government stated that should Ireland choose CUA, it would face an attack. Ireland did indeed choose CUA, and the atmosphere in both nations is heated, as Ireland has begun gathering allies and preparing her defenses. The Spanish have yet to release an official statement since, and still occupy Canadian territories.


Both Chile and Australia were found guilty by CoT's court for breaking the treaty between the two nations. Many Australians were shocked that no punishment has been planned for Chile’s actions, while Australia still remains occupied. This decision may have put to rest any hopes of Australia joining CoT, and it is still in the air as to which path the neutral nation will take.


Shortly after being denied entrance into CoT, India’s treasury was robbed. It is reported that 2.5 million total was taken, with most of it being recovered. To make matters worse, India was then pulled into war with Croatia once more. The last time the two nations fought, CoT immediately jumped in to assist, however after India’s rejection from the alliance, it will be interesting to see how the war turns out.


Public outcry in Bulgaria has risen over the countries decision to stay neutral in the Polish invasion of Russia. No public statement has been given on behalf of the Bulgarian government since CoT HQ decided that the alliance would stay neutral. This has not stopped multiple articles of dissatisfaction from being posted by the people of Bulgaria, and each article has gained massive support. Poland has continued its course to China relatively smoothly. Not even two months after China held off a Spanish invasion, they will soon be faced with TWO’s strongest nation.


I will be running for congress this upcoming term, and I will continue work with the MoFA team, ambassador team, and Irish Immigration Committee. I plan to continue to strengthen relations with CUA nations, and hopefully continue to help strengthen ties between Australia, CUA, and Ireland soon as well.


Issue Song:
The Valves - It Don't Mean Nothing At All

"The policeman arrested me in the name of the Law, I struck him in the name of Liberty." - Clement Duval

The Irish Radical issue #32