from Lynari, to Singapore

Day 890, 15:50 Published in Singapore Switzerland by Lynari

to Singapore;

In life, I am a young American. My experience in eRepublik has been very fulfilling, and I could quit today and be satisfied. Still, I am adventurous, and this has led me to Singapore today. I am, foremost, a politician. Like all politicians, I am flawe😛 for one, I’m incredibly self-important, and though I loathe partisanship, I oftentimes find that I am not above it. I hope that being aware of these qualities will help me to conquer them; but this is tangential.

I come to you today from my home nation of Austria. I began my life there in April of 2009, soon becoming a Congressman, and then President of the nation for the months of June, July, and August. Following this, I served as Minister of Justice, a role assigned to the task of drafting the nation’s constitution, Chief of Staff for two months, which was essentially an advisory position, and the self-explanatory role of Minister of Foreign Affairs. Simultaneously to these ministerial positions, I served as Party President of Austria’s then-largest political party for several months as well as served the entirety of this period in Congress, proudly securing the highest number of votes each election to the dismay of the rest of my party.

Cartoon by Stranger Here Myself

In January of 2010 I decided it was time to leave Austria after having served for nine straight months. I moved to Switzerland to help them combat a takeover. In doing so, I served as the still-largest party’s Party President, as a Congressman, and as an Ambassador. After two months of this, I decided it was time for a period of relaxation. I moved to Austria and idled for a month or so.

Today, I moved to Singapore, and, at the same time, fulfilled a long-unanswered aspiration of mine, which was to own and operate my own company. If you work at a quality-one manufacturer, check the job market. I might be offering a higher wage.

My attitude toward my time to be spent in Singapore is the same as with any nation: I want to help in any way that I can, and I am excited to get to know a new population of individuals.
