From Japan, with Love!

Day 747, 16:56 Published in USA USA by Millie Angelfire

Dear eUSA,

I have something to tell you.

I fear you have made a huge mistake. You have made it clear that your intentions are to attack eJapan, my home. I feel it is my duty to inform you about what you are up against, as you surely had no clue when you decided to declare war on us.

We are the home to many samurai and ninja,

who have no issues sneaking up on you lazy eAmericans.

We train all of our citizens in the ways of the ninja

including our women

and our children.

We even train our pets the path of the ninja.

As you can see, you are no match against us in close combat.

What is that? You can just go buy a gun and shoot us down? You might succeed in taking one or two of us out, but you seem to have forgotten that Japan is ALSO filled with new technology. One aspect of our advanced technology would be our warbots (war robots, for you slow minded eAmericans). Yes, that's right!

Be scared, Hardy boys. Be very scared!

This is one our early models. Still extremely effective!

Oh, you weren't supposed to see that. It's one of our spybots coming in for a tune up. I believe this one is model AJAY-8RUN0.

If you still think you can win out and occupy eJapan, then think about this. You will be living with the same people who think up and produce our Japanese game shows.

Ah, I see that look on your face. You must never have seen one of our game shows!

Well, I will give you a sneak peek then!

Wow… so you made it. That’s impressive. I don’t know how you did it, but obviously you’re here now. We’ll just assume you didn’t cheat to solve that Kakuro puzzle.

If you send a message to Vai Siv that you’ve made it here, I will announce your progress in an upcoming news article.

Anyway, these next ones shouldn’t prove very challenging for you, but lets see…


This puzzle should not be that difficult. You might want to learn about Ponturu first. You can read about it here: Ponturu

For this challenge, just ignore all of the colors until you’ve solved the actual puzzle. Then answer the few questions at the end to get your code.

PDF Document:

MS Word Document :
(Google Documents will not display most puzzles accurately in this format, please download and open in MS Word if you choose this method.)

Have fun!
-Vai Siv

If you aren't deterred by this... well, I will gladly welcome you as a fellow neighbor, since you must have some Japanese blood running through your veins and you felt the natural compulsion to return to your homeland!

So, eUSA. You have been informed of your situation. Take some time to rethink this action, before you attempt this attack on the superpower that is eJapan. We have given you fair warning.