From a soldier of EDEN

Day 1,216, 11:31 Published in Romania Romania by Wallachian

First thing first, this article should be taken as criticism, but constructive criticism. It`s purpose is to force those "in control" to get off their buttocks and do something before it is too late. You were not named EDEN SC or HQ to add a new title to your in-game character. Your point there is to actually do something. If you lack time or motivation, step back and let somebody who doesn`t to come in your place.

I look at EDEN now and I (try to) compare it to what it was like half a year ago. Back then I was a trooper in Eden Military Corps and as a whole, the alliance was moving pretty well, kicking Headless Phoenix`s ass all over the map. Soon after, EMC dissolved because of lack of interest from member country presidents, lethargy that continues today as well. I asked an EDEN Commander`s opinion a while back and he said that indeed the HQ goes through a lack of motivation. I`m not going to pretend this game is shiny and pink and that it doesn`t get worse every day passing. However, in everything I do I give my best even if it`s a game we`re talking about. I don`t play to loose.

Romania faces 4 battles at the same time, war with Hungary in Crisana, 3 RW opened in Bukovina, Southern Bessarabia and Black Sea Coast of Turkey. Those RW are packed with Hungarians, Turks, Polish and Russians(who supposedly are our PANAM allies) who inflict an important damage against us. On our side I noticed a few Bulgarians, Greeks and Chinese, while many Americans fought in Crisana. The help is too little and too late. Why? Because we don`t have good organizing. EDEN and PANAM (well, except Russia) don`t fight as a whole but as a bunch of countries who just happened to wake up and notice one of their pals was threatened to lose important resource regions. Where is the EMC in this picture? Why don`t I see EDEN acting like a true alliance and not as some dispersed individuals who happened to wake up on the same side?
Why don`t I see EDEN military units marching on the battlefield like half a year ago? Lack of funding? Q5 weapons and bread are virtually free nowadays for flock sake!

So don`t give me petty excuses. If you don`t have time to organize an army, why are you commanding an alliance? A country who doesn`t have a military cannot survive in the eWorld. An alliance who doesn`t have means of cohesion cannot survive either. Today Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia are fighting side by side because of common enemies but in case one of them discover some friends on the opposite side then EDEN will be nothing but a memory. Why? Because EDEN doesn`t have weight. It`s just a nice word who happened to survive for like 2 years because of a bunch of players who believed in it. EDEN can survive only if people in charge find new & stronger ways to add cohesion between the member states: a common military, a common government, a common resource sharing plan, a common economy, and so on. I bet you can find better ideas then that.

We have to bring the "brotherhood" back because right now EDEN is anything but one. And as much as common EDEN soldiers befriend eachother and believe in helping one another, if the EDEN leaders don`t do something about it and help this "friendship" blossom then it will not survive.

You cannot create a new EMC-RO or EMC-HR from scrach? Well then just take one of the current country top military, change their names and avatars and BOOM, you have an alliance unit once more. Want to win the adhesion of the common users? Write more articles in their countries, or do something, anything. I bet 75% of the Romanian citizens don`t know who the EDEN SC is or who represents us in the EDEN HQ. Many don`t even know all EDEN country members.

So once again, this article is not pointed towards blaming a person or a country but to inflict a kick up the arse to those who "can do something", who are EDEN or member countries officials, and who do nothing, or who do something but not enough.

Don`t get me wrong, we still have "ballz of steel" and kick New Whiners Ordeals all over the place, but why not do it with stile? What better slap to give to the treacherous Spain and Poland but to show them an EDEN that not only survives but is in better shape then ever. Why not seeing EMC troops marching through Asturias or Little Poland, this time not as saviors but as avengers?

Why not organize EDEN back as it was a year ago? Why not make it even better then it was? We can achieve anything we put our mind to. So those of you who have the power MOVE ON or MOVE OUT!