Friends before benefits [The story of Bra-Hun-Srb]

Day 1,151, 15:35 Published in Serbia Serbia by Lunatic2903
Pažnja: Članak je na engleskom jeziku i radi se o odnosu eSrbije sa eMađarskom i eBrazilom u budućnosti. Izvinjavam se što neću pisati srpsku verziju, verujem da će svako od vas i ovako moći da se snađe u njemu i shvati šta je pisac želeo da poruči. Cilj mi je da pre svega ovaj tekst dopre do očiju nekog stranca, pošto mi i bez mog pisanja znamo kako ćemo se postaviti u budućnosti. Znamo, zar ne?

Everything in life has it's rise and downfall, so does in virtual life. It's as natural as love, fear, happiness and sadness - those are all some tiny little things life as whole is made of. People come and go, love comes and goes - every single day of our lifes (both real and virtual) is like whirlwind; you get something or you loose something depending on your attitude, circumstances and/or good luck. Most of the time we ether take it for granted or get over it - we're used to live that way. But regardless of it, sometimes you can't help yourself but feel odd and kinda strange when you lose something you really cared of. That's exactly the feeling many of us felt when Phoenix turned to ashes for real - it's not just part of our gaming history and experience that is missing, but we also came into situation to be distanced from our great friends and comrades with whom we stood together for our entire eRep existence. If someone still needs translation - I'm pointing at eBrazil.

Many players take this game without confusing emotions with reason, but when you find yourself in a situation like this, it just seems impossible to distance them, especially when reality is so complex and difficult as it it for eSerbia at the moment. We found ourselves at the crossroad, with one of our two brothers going one way, and the second one choosing the opposite. It's a very funny fact that we all stood for the same principles and fought side by side for almost two years, but some other factors that we as youngest brother couldn't really influence made it impossible for the three of us to choose the same path for our future. We bled together and we celebrated together, but now we have to go separate ways. We have to go further by following one of our older brothers, leaving the other on his own.

The future is immense, who knows what dangers will we have to face, and who will we have to fight to survive - whirlwinds of war might one day divide us and put us on the opposite sides of the battlefield. We may be tempted to fight each other, we may be influenced by our new companions to pull a sword on one another, but whatever happens, we must never forget that, behind all those regions, resources, fights and avatars, we are still brothers.

That is exactly why I will never be drawn into choosing which of my older brothers is more important, or who do I love more. I will never fight neither one of you. And you know why? Because all that truly matters is not to be the strongest or to win battles one after another, but to be good friend to your old friends, and good brother to your old brothers. Even if one day we see each other in the scope, I will never push "fight". It's just not something brothers do.

This article is to all of you out there, were you Hungarian or Brazilian. I can sign in my blood that this is not only my personal opinion, but opinion of every single Serbian fighter there is in eRepublik.
It's possibly a bad moment to add emotions in the context, but that is just the way Serbs do it - friends before benefits. We cannot choose between our friends, because if we did so, we wouldn't be your friends any more.

Best wishes to both of you, and good luck.

ex CP of eSerbia

P.S. Sorry for possible mistakes, I had to write this article in matter of minutes. But I believe you will find a clear message in it either way.