Friends are not for sale!!!

Day 1,671, 03:27 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Imoenbg1

First the new and soon to be standard disclaimer as some Chinese God of war accused the Bulgarian people of mindlessly obeying orders. Well, newsflash, we all have to obey orders but sometimes we choose not to. So here is my answer to all of this.

I refuse to fight against Iran. No matter what you say or think or do, we have been friends longer than enemies. After the latest fiasco with the so-called NAP and all the stupidity our so-called MPs did, I refuse to follow their orders on this matter. Good thing the new orders are to keep fighting against Turkey 🙂 that I will follow to the letter.

As for Iran, I do remember the epic Khorasan and Semnan battles, I do remember the gesture they performed. I do remember the harsh words in the end as well, but they did not have a choice. I, however believe that the choice of the average citizen is his alone. The countries don't have a choice sometimes. But people do. So I chose.

I chose HER !!!

She has done more for Bulgaria and her country than a swarm of our mindless voting MPs.

I chose HER AS WELL!!! Even though she is French ( yeah, right), I consider her my closest friend and something as a guardian figure. On a sidenote: Thank you, girl!!!! I still can't believe you did that for me (as it turned out you did not know me so well 🙂. That is a gesture I don't think anyone has done for a brainless. mindless zombie psychopath obeying orders!!! You rock!!!!!

I choose Cyrus3 and the countless Iranians still fighting for Bulgaria, who we tried to betray with that mindless NE law.....

I hope our puppets in the Congress wake up and revoke this madness!!!

I refuse to sell my Iranian friends for some cheap bonuses! Bonuses come and go, but friendship and honor should be eternal!!!

Regardless of the seriousness of the matter I will return to my trampled tradition and provide you with a girl:

I refuse to betray my friends and fight Iran!!!