Freedom Tour Comes to Canada

Day 2,457, 14:40 Published in USA USA by Jude Conners


Greetings and Salutations, My Fellow Americans and Ajay Gipper Hut:

Just a week ago, the USA and Canada made the first attempts to repare the broken Brolliance the two nations once shared. Canadian Country President Thedillpickl approached American President dmjohnston and the two agreed on a training war. The exercise would be mutually beneficial to both nations, as Plato endowed new gold-eating missions unto the Denizens of the New World.

Today, I received confirmation from DMJ and the NSC that the time for the return of Canadian regions has come. I immediately began coordination talks for the upcoming resistance wars needed to return the Canadian regions with their nation's top executive to ascertain if he had a plan already. Last time that Bear Cavalry helped free Canada after the withdrawal ordered by then-CP, Molly Emma, there was no coordination. I wanted to make this round better coordinated. After assuring me that there was no plan in progress and allowing me to take the lead, Thedillpickl agreed to my plan of coordination:

Freeing the regions through Resistance Wars in ALPHABETICAL order.

As Commander of the Bear Cavalry, I can safely say that this goodwill mission will be the unit's Top Priority. However, Bear Cavalry is a small unit, comprised mostly of Division One fighters. Realizing that this would be a much better operation on a much grander scale, I have enlisted the help of other military units. So far, S.H.I.E.L.D. and eUS Military has signed on. I am currently waiting on other military unit commanders to respond.

But you don't need to be a military unit commander to get involved. As stated above, we will be starting resistance wars in American-occupied Canadian regions in alphabetical order. Simply be in the region that is next to be RW'd and have 1000 USD ready to go. Add me as a friend and you will see me shout when and where to organize a resistance war. Then, fight... get your freedom fighter medals and then move to the next region. Do it again. Easy.

I hope to see you on the battlefield!

And on that note... I'm out!

Listen to the Magic Carpet Ride with Jude Connors - LIVE every Friday Night 20:00-23:00 eRepublik time on RadioStar.FM. You'll be glad you did!