Freedom of the Press! [VOTE]

Day 803, 11:48 Published in USA Croatia by Riney">">

Hello everyone!

Today one of the greatest journalists in the eWorld, dSoKre recieved an temporary bann because of expressing his opinion about Lana.

"Citizen temporarily suspended for not using the official channel when contacting eRepublik Team or starting/participating in public discussions in order to undermine the team's decisions."

Over 2500 players that voted his article (which is deleted today) are people participating in this game, and they have the right to express their opinion, and also start/participate in public discussions related to eRepublik. Silencing and punishing journalists and players who do not agree with your opinion is the terror and censorship, which are not associated with a democratic society in the utopian New world which you are trying to build. It's totally unfair to us, the players.

Our opinion is also very important here; without us, the players, there wouldn't be eRepublik. All the players (especially journalists) have the right to share our opinion with other players and discuss about it as long it's related to eRepublik and it's not spam or anything like it. So please, be reasonable, and unbann our friend dSoKre, and give a reasonable answer and arguments as he did in question related to the introduction of Lana in the eRepublik.

Sign the petition as well!

I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. This is related to everyone in eRepublik, so don't think anything bad about it if you're not my friend ingame or something, because this is related to you as well.

Until next time,

↯ Riney ↯

P.S.: This is just my version of this, the original article was published in Croatia by cofi41. You can read it and vote it HERE. Thanks 😉