Freedom of press is absolute [EN]

Day 1,057, 15:01 Published in France France by Karth Kaleos

Here is the article Nanotik, deleted by admin to censor him :

If it wasn’t that serious, I could be laughing. Indeed, I published an article two days ago (it is currently in the international Top 5) in which I suggested some things to improve the press module, because it has never been changed. Today, they decided to react in order to contradict me. What an irony, isn’t it ?

Take a look :

And now, here is what it currently looks like :

"You can post articles only in your citizenship’s country. Changing your newspaper’s location to match your citizenship should solve the problem."

Wait, I’ll read it again, I think I didn’t understand at first reading…


Are you serious ? Yes, they are serious.

Admins, I began to publish different articles in various countries since a few days. Each time, this article is enjoyed by these countries’ players. 3 articles (out of 4) went in the international Top 5. And it wouldn’t have been possible if I had published them in France, because French people were not concerned by these articles, and they’re not enough to increase the votes number and to make them visible worldwide.

My newspaper intends to be an international one. A frontierless one. I’m publishing interesting articles to make EVERY EREPUBLIK PLAYER happy, and not only the French ones. Moreover, I’m sure that French are just a small part of my reading audience.

Awesome eRepublik Comic: Episode 1
- published in Poland
- 122 votes
I had many good reactions from several Poles, except one or two peoples who didn’t understand that it was humour… I sent them a MP to explain them my joke, and all was fine then.
I had 150 extra subscribers thanks to this article.

Awesome eRepublik Comic: Episode 2
- published in Spain
- 193 votes
My best strike : Spanish people, masters of lulz and troll, highly enjoyed this comic. Read the comments in both versions (the French and the English ones).
I had 300 extra subscribers thanks to this article.

Awesome eRepublik Comic: Episode 3
- published in France
- 900 votes (with the English version, which disappeared because of the hack)
#1 in France ! Only a few articles in the world were able to make laugh both French and Spanish people, and this one is one of those.
I had 200 extra subscribers thanks to this article.

- published in the USA
- 666 votes (2000 votes in all ; the English version was removed by the admins, but it was massively published in many articles throughout the worldwide press)
#3 in the international Top 5 ! It was the first time ever that I reached the international Top, and I also won a Media Mogul Medal that day !
I had 200 extra subscribers thanks to this article.

Gran eRep Auto V2
- published in Serbia, then in the USA
- 400 votes
#4 in the international Top 5 ! Serbian people enjoyed this articles, as much as my subscribers. But as soon as it reached the international Top 5, it was removed.
I had 100 extra subscribers thanks to this article.

Spain, France can beat you
- published in Spain
- 400 votes
#1 in Spain ! One more time, Spanish enjoyed that article, but I had only a few extra subscribers. Maybe all the Spanish had already subscribed my newspapers… 😃
I had 50 extra subscribers thanks to this article.

The New new world comic: Episode 1
- published in the United Kingdom
- 150 votes
#1 in the United Kingdom !
I had 50 extra subscribers thanks to this article.

- published in the USA
- 1850 votes
My hugest success, #1 worldwide ! Many other newspapers published it back and translated it in their own language.
I had 250 extra subscribers thanks to this article.

Lion King
- published in China
- 200 votes
#5 in China ! I reinterpreted the Lion King’s poster to made a parody out of it, about Lion King’s fall.
I had 50 extra subscribers thanks to this article.

- published in the USA
- 523 votes
#4 worldwide ! It’s a sequel to my most voted article. It was really appreciated, one more time.
I had 100 extra subscribers thanks to this article.

Some ideas for admins to improve the press module.
- published in Serbia
- 492 votes
#5 worldwide ! I made some suggestions to improve this module. The day after, here is your “improvement” : to forbid the publication of articles in foreign countries… GREAT, we can feel we’re listened to.

Thanks to your “improvement”, you’ve just destroyed my newspaper’s concept. I absolutely don’t care about the EDEN-Phoenix war, I just wanna have fun and publish some funny articles (which may speak of this war).

If you remove this article and if you don’t change your decision, I’ll stop playing eRepublik. I’ve got enough to be waiting for your game to “change”, to “improve”. If actually, it means to stop hoping that it ever happens, to admit that your game will NEVER change, then don’t do anything, keep on doing what you’re doing. Then you shouldn’t be surprised to see players who, like me, play this game since a few years, and who decide to leave this game progressively.

P.S. : Don’t forget, update your rules. The third rule doesn’t exist anymore.

3. Freedom of press is absolute (without breaking amendments 2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2)

Because we can no longer publish in foreign countriess, I’ll offer a trackback to the articles which will deal with this topic, in order to get a better visibility in France.